Capturing A Highland Knight

Capturing A Highland Knight by F.S. Hyman Page B

Book: Capturing A Highland Knight by F.S. Hyman Read Free Book Online
Authors: F.S. Hyman
had been hard, now they were soft, and she almost thought she had imagined the contact.  He then kissed her cheek and her forehead.
                  “Ye smell so good, Annabelle.  Ye taste like heaven,” he said as his lips met hers again.  This time she was hard pressed not to respond.  She was determined to be passive.
                  She felt his hand continue its exploration.
                  “Ye are beautiful, Annabelle.  Yer breast,” he said as his hands ran softly across their tips.  Her nipples instantly became erect.  She could not hold back a gasp.  This time of pure pleasure.
                  “Yer flat stomach and yer creamy thighs,” he said running his hands across them respectively.
                  “Open yer eyes fer me, Annabelle.  I love the color of yer eyes,” he whispered close to her ear.  His warm breath caressed her ear making her shiver.
                  Annabelle opened her eyes and looked up at her husband.  The raw passion in his eyes took her aback.  She felt something loosen inside of her and heat spread throughout her body.
                  “Aye, they are the color of the sea.”
                  Annabelle could feel his manhood hardening against her thigh.  It surprised her that the sensation aroused her.  She fought it.  She had to remain passive.
                  Derek watched as Annabelle’s breaths became shallower.  She was not unaffected, but she had not moved since he began touching her.  He was not unaffected either.  Her skin was so soft and he could remember how her body had felt pressed against his.  He knew he had to go slowly though.  He had frightened her, and he knew any wrong move would end this.
                  He moved his hand back to her full breast.  Their pink nipples were puckered and he could not resist taking one into his mouth.  This time he did it gently, barely touching them with his tongue.  Annabelle gently arched toward him trying to deepen the contact.  He held back and looked into her face.  Her eyes had closed again and there was a small frown across her brow.
                  “I want ye, Annabelle,” he repeated taking her mouth with his again.  This time she could not seem to resist responding.
                  Annabelle opened her lips to him when he slid his tongue across her lips.  His tongue delved into her mouth tasting and drinking her in.  She used her tongue to taste him also, mimicking his actions.  He broke their kiss and moved to her cheek and then her neck.  She moved her head to the side to give him easier access.
                  He rained small kisses across her collarbone moving toward her breast.  Her breath quickened in anticipation.  His warm mouth closed over her nipple and he gently suckled until she was sure that she would go up in flames.  His hand kneaded her other breast, his thumb teasing that nipple to attention.  She could feel the tension building low in her body.  She writhed and pushed her breast harder into his mouth and hand.
                  Derek felt the tension in Annabelle’s body.  She moaned as he continued to assault her breasts.  He let his mouth trail to the valley between her breasts and then down her stomach.  He could feel himself hardening even further as he neared her secret place.
                  He stopped kissing at the top of her red curls.  The hand he had been using to knead her breast, he ran down her stomach and cupped her womanhood.
                  “Derek, what are you…?” she asked breathlessly as he let his thumb slide between the petals of her treasure.  She stiffened.
                  “Shh,” he said as he moved his thumb up and down between the folds.
                  Annabelle relaxed at his sensual massage.  She found herself

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