Captives of New Pompeii
ocean will be inside the barrier. Fishermen will still be
able to fish. The barrier will just keep them from venturing to
other ports.”
    She sighed, unable to resolve the
fundamental problem. “They will all be living a lie.”
    “Yes, but they’ll be living.”
    She had no response for that argument.
Laetif had used it to shut her up as well. Was captivity really
better than death—even if one didn’t realize one was a captive? “I
need to stop thinking about this. I am driving myself crazy. How
will I continue on as before when I am no longer sure of the
goddess I serve? I’m a high priestess. There should be no doubt in
my heart.”
    He opened the door for her and they stepped
inside his cabin before he replied. “You don’t have to stay in New
Pompeii. In fact, as much as you know, they might not let you.”
    “I will not desert my people.” People came
to her for advice and comfort in their bleakest times of need. Her
gift allowed her to find lost children and predict disasters.
Regret reinforced her frustration. If the governor had heeded her
warnings about the volcano’s eruption, none of this would have been
    Aiden’s hands came to rest on her hips and
he pressed his forehead against hers. “You’re right. You need to
stop thinking about it.”
    “What will you do when we reach Fedoros?
Your obligation ends when we are delivered, does it not?”
    He framed her face with his hands and tipped
her head up. “No more talk about the future. I’m exhausted and so
are you. Let’s go to bed.”
    Excitement tingled down her spine. Would he
couple with her if she asked him to? Did she want him to climb on
top of her and push his cock into her pussy? His words for the
involved body parts were more enticing than hers. Laetif seemed
certain that Aiden would be gentle, that he would be able to make
it good for her. Felicia wasn’t convinced that any man was that
    If her goddess didn’t exist, there was no
reason to keep herself pure. Once they reached Fedoros, she would
be sequestered again, forced to live separately from the
    “I can see uncertainty in your eyes.” He
kissed the corners of her eyes then followed the arch of her
eyebrows with soft, feathery kisses. “I will not touch you unless
you want me to. I’ll just hold you and we’ll go to sleep.”
    “That’s the cause of my uncertainty. I am
not sure what I want.”
    “Then I say we find out.” He picked her up
and set her on the edge of the bed, kneeling in front of her as he
removed her sandals. “Do you like it when I touch you? How does
this make you feel?” He rested her foot on the center of his thigh
and caressed her calf, gently massaging the muscle.
    She leaned back on her hands, trying to
relax. But his hands were strong and warm, his touch undeniably
evocative. “Your brother spanked Laetif,” she blurted, too nervous
to concentrate on what she was feeling.
    Aiden’s hands stilled and then he laughed.
“Sounds like Caleb. He is incorrigible. Was she upset about
    “No. She liked it.” He pushed her robe up to
mid-thigh and eased her legs apart, scooting closer as his hand
slipped under the material. “They have not coupled yet, but I know
they will.”
    “How detailed was this vision? I know they
were naked or at least partially undressed. How were they
    His hands moved over her thighs, dipping to
the insides then outward again. She kept talking, needing the
distraction from the needs he was unleashing within her, longings
she wasn’t quite ready to embrace. “She was bent over a bed and he
was behind her. His hands were on her breasts.” She swallowed as
the image returned in all its graphic detail.
    “Shall I touch your breast? Would you like
to see how it feels?” His face was on a level with hers, which made
it hard to avoid his gaze.
    “All right.”
    One of his hands pushed up to her hip and
the other came out from beneath her robes and gently cupped her

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