
Captive by Trista Ann Michaels Page B

Book: Captive by Trista Ann Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Trista Ann Michaels
Tags: Romance
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    He sighed. “I ask myself that same question every time you open your damn mouth.”
    She glared at him. “What do you expect?”
    “I don't know.” He held up a small metal object about the size of a matchbook.
    “But since I am about to relieve you of that headache, maybe a little gratitude?”
    “I'd rather have the headache.” She closed her eyes and turned away from him.
    “Shetah, gooliga teligo defni ,” he mumbled to himself.
    She eyed him over her shoulder. “Excuse me?”
    He narrowed his eyes. “You are a stubborn woman.”
    “Well, now that that's settled.” She pointed toward the door. “There's the door.
    Don't let it hit you on the ass as you leave.”
    He raised an eyebrow. “Hit me on the ass as I leave?”
    “Yeah.” She frowned. “You know. Your butt.” She pointed to hers and looked at him.
    His eyes traveled down her back to her butt, a grin tugging at his lips. His eyes met hers. “You have a very nice one, by the way.” She rolled her eyes and turned away. The sound of his deep chuckle sent tingles of awareness throughout her body. She scrunched her eyes tighter against the sensations.
    I’m in the middle of a migraine and still he turns me on. How sick is that?
    “Mikayla, roll over,” he said as he gently tugged at her shoulder.
    “No. Go away.”
    He leaned over, his hot breath brushed across her cheek, his voice low and seductive in her ear. “Do you really want me to make you?” She stiffened. “You wouldn't dare.”
    “Is that a challenge, Mikayla? Because if it is…” His words trailed off as his palm slowly slid up the outside of her thigh, sending hot, tingling current straight to her aching core.
    She jerked around and slapped his hand. The motion caused her head to pound and bile to rise up her throat. “Oh God.” She didn't know what to grab first, her stomach or her head.
    Sidious laughed. Reaching out, he removed her hand from her forehead and placed the small metal object against her skin. “Be still.”
    “What is that?”
    It began to whine and heat up the flesh beneath it. She frowned and moved to grab it off, but he took her hand in his and held it.
    “It ' s a Medabri. Give it a senah and your headache will be gone.” The warmth of his hand on hers caught her off guard, and she peeked through her lashes to watch him. He studied her hand in his, softly running his thumb across the back of it. An electric current spread up her arm, and she frowned.
    She wanted to hate him. She needed to hate him. She jerked her hand away, and he met her gaze. Something flashed across his eyes, but before she could determine what it was, it disappeared.
    He took the Medabri off her forehead and smiled. “There. Any more pain?” She shook her head as she stared at him warily. “Why are you here?” He frowned. “I came up to check on you.”
    “No. I mean, why are you here? On Earth.”
    He looked down at his hands as though thinking. “The prime minister was informed of this planet and thought its resources would benefit him. It's rich in Tornatium, a compound your world hasn't discovered yet, as well as salt water. More people under his rule, of course means more currency. Rigora also wishes to expand the shipping lanes, and Earth is in a prime location to be used as a refueling and storage station.” He looked back at her. “Actually, once the initial invasion is over, life will resume pretty much as you remember it. The only difference will be that no one can own anything. Ownership of land will only be allowed within the monarchies.
    Everything else will be owned by the prime minister. He will take a portion of everyone ' s income for taxes and appoint regent counts, or monarchs, to rule in his absence, instead of the governments you have now.”
    “And how is that pretty much as I remember it?” she asked smartly.
    “Your home will change, but in some ways for the better. You will have medical advancements, technological

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