Call of the Herald
"What happened to you?"
    "I don't know," she said, her voice shaking.
"I'm so sorry. Let's go home."
    The others nodded and followed her
wordlessly. They picked through the storm-tossed foliage but had to
backtrack several times before finding clear passage. When they
emerged in the eastern clearing, they found that it, too, was
littered with debris and slowly melting hailstones. The forest
trail was blocked in many places, and they had to shoulder through
the brambles and thorns that abounded alongside the trail.
    When the forest eventually thinned, they
emerged into a bright and sunny afternoon. The valley ahead
appeared largely untouched by the storm, and it seemed as if they
were drifting out of a nightmare and back into a pleasant reality.
Catrin relaxed when she saw a part of her world unblemished, but
the images of the grove were still vivid.
    Travel was easier when they were clear of the
forest, and they soon approached the stairs. They descended
carefully, aware that the slightest misstep could send them
tumbling. Strom lost his footing once and slipped, frightening
them, but he caught himself, and only loose chips of rock dropped
over the edge. It took a few moments for them to calm themselves
before continuing at a slower pace, and they were relieved when
they finally reached the bottom.
    The misty air surrounding the falls drove
them onward. Once clear of the spray, they found themselves at the
shady spot where they had eaten lunch the day before. They stopped
and ate the last of their provisions in silence.
    Familiar sights and smells brought Catrin
some comfort, and as the group neared her home, she began to feel
almost safe again, but the illusion was shattered when Benjin
seemed to materialize from the shadows. He placed a finger to his
lips, motioned for them to follow, and led them into a dense stand
of pines. Catrin grew even more concerned when she spotted leather
bags and packs stacked in an orderly pile, filled nearly to
overflowing. The boys followed her gaze and seemed to come to the
same cold realization: something else had gone very wrong.
    "Don't have much time to talk, but I'm so
glad you're here. Wendel and I guessed the storm might bring you
home early. Couldn't be certain, but it saved me coming to find
you," Benjin said just above a whisper. "Yesterday afternoon,
y'see, there was a huge crowd at the Spring Challenges, even though
it looked like bad weather. The games were over before the storm
hit, but it was dark when everyone started to leave. Then a swift
wind parted the clouds. Don't know who saw it first, but people
shouted and cried when the comet appeared and didn't know what to
do with themselves. They just stood and gawked and carried on about
it until Nat Dersinger climbed up onto the reviewing stand.
    "He started out rambling on that Istra had
returned to the skies of Godsland, and Catrin's power meant she was
the Herald of Istra. Yes, li'l miss, he called you by name. And
now, this morning, over a dozen fishing boats came back early, each
saying they had seen foreign ships. The details varied from ship to
ship, but they agreed on one thing: a large host of ships is
approaching the Godfist.
    "When they heard this, people panicked and
started shouting. A bunch of angry citizens went to the farm
looking for you," he said, nodding at Catrin. "Your father and I
had anticipated trouble, and I was already packed when they got
there. I hid until they left. Your father knows how to deal with
people, and he managed to convince them he'd sent you to the cold
caves. He said you were retrieving supplies and would return on the
    "He told 'em he'd let them know as soon as
you came back, li'l miss. He need not have bothered with that, for
I'm betting the townsfolk are now watching every road and trail
that enters Harborton. I'm just glad they didn't post a sentry here
at the mountain paths, or we'd have been hard pressed. Your father
wanted to be here, but he knows he's being watched. He

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