Call Me Wild

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Book: Call Me Wild by Robin Kaye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Kaye
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games. All of Jessica’s stuff is in her car. Her keys are in the ignition. And Jessica, the girl you invited up to Hunter’s cabin, is nowhere in sight.”
    “You know Jessie?”
    “You know damn well I know Jessica. Now Karma, stick to the topic here, or when I get my hands on you…”
    “Fisher Kincaid, your threats don’t work with me, so stop busting my chops.”
    “Just tell me, Karma. Where in the hell is she?”
    “I don’t know. Really, I don’t. I gave her directions to the cabin. Maybe she’s there. Have you checked?”
    “No. I went around a switchback and almost plowed into the back of her car—the one she left in the middle of the fucking road. The one she had no business driving off the main highway. Have you seen it? It’s no bigger than an M&M on wheels. You know better, Karma. She could be hurt or worse. You’d better get your sorry ass down here and help me look for her.”
    “Up what?”
    “Get my sorry ass up there. I’m doing inventory at Hannah’s at the moment. You see, Kevin’s wife had the baby this morning, and I just found out about it. I’m not going to be able to make it to the cabin after all.”
    “Oh really? And just how were you planning to let Jessica know? Oh, that’s right. You tricked me into going up to the cabin. The one you conveniently can’t get to.”
    “I did no such thing. I didn’t have a clue you were going up there. What am I, a freakin’ mind reader?”
    “No, you’re a pain in my ass, and you and your little stunts are going to get you, or some poor, unsuspecting woman hurt.”
    “Hunter lent me the cabin, not you. And for your information Dr. Smartypants, I was planning to call John Rotchford. You know, that hot new ranger at the Stanley ranger station, and ask him to go over and tell Jessie I wouldn’t be able to make it. I just didn’t have a chance to call him yet, because I’m too busy being abused by you. But don’t worry. I’m sure John would be happy to look after Jessie for me.”
    Both Kevin and Fisher let out inventive strings of curses. She covered where she thought the mouthpiece of her cell phone was—not that she really knew—so Fisher wouldn’t hear Kevin. “Why don’t you just turn around and go home? I’m sure you have better things to do than look for Jessie, a woman you don’t even know. Hey, how did you know that was Jessie’s car, anyway?”
    Fisher growled. “Karma, cut the crap. I’m worried about her. She left her car. She didn’t even pull it over to the side—”
    “It’s a jeep trail, Fisher. There isn’t a freakin’ side.”
    “She left the keys in the ignition.”
    “Well, who’s going to steal it? It’s in the middle of freakin’ nowhere. No one but us goes up past the Jones’s place.”
    “Karma, what if she’s hurt?”
    “I’m sure she’s fine.” She had to be fine. Jessie was an athlete, definitely not a shrinking violet. She was the toughest woman Karma had ever seen. Hell, Karma would give Jessie even odds against any of her brothers. “Have you called out for her?”
    She heard embarrassment in Fisher’s voice and resisted the urge to say “well, duh,” just as Fisher screamed Jessie’s name in her ear and nearly blew out her eardrum. “Do you mind not screaming in my ear? Damn, Fisher.”
    “Shh… I’m listening for her.”
    “While you’re listening, why don’t you head toward the cabin? I’m sure she’s hiking the rest of the way. Call me when you find her. In the meantime, I’ll call the ranger station and put them on standby.”
    The line went dead. Fisher hadn’t even said good-bye. Karma looked at her phone. He’d never hung up on her before. That nagging you’ve-gone-too-far-this-time-and-the-shit’s-hit-the-fan feeling settled in the pit of her stomach.
    Karma jumped when Kevin touched her shoulder. She’d forgotten he was there. “Oh God, what if Jessie’s hurt, or worse?”
    Kevin pulled her into a tight hug. “I’m sure

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