Caliber Detective Agency - Box Set - Case Files 1-6

Caliber Detective Agency - Box Set - Case Files 1-6 by Donald Wells Page B

Book: Caliber Detective Agency - Box Set - Case Files 1-6 by Donald Wells Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donald Wells
Tags: detective, Suspense, Thrillers, Hard-Boiled, Women Slueths
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the sign and rushed over.
    “Mrs. Caliber, it’s so good to see you again, is anything wrong?”
    Gail looked at Kelli and forced a smile.
    “No, it just always irks me that the old man insists on keeping the antiquated words, ‘Detective Agency’ on the sign; it makes one think of ‘gumshoes’ for God’s sake.”
    Kelli suppressed a smile. Gail Caliber’s feud with her father-in-law was legend within the company.
    Kelli was a twenty-seven-year-old redhead with dazzling green eyes and a curvaceous figure. She had been employed at Caliber Investigations since she was an eighteen-year-old B-Girl.
    The B stood for bait. One of the courtesies provided by Caliber was a service called, Fidelity Check, wherein a suspicious wife or girlfriend could send a B-Girl out to tempt their husband or boyfriend.
    The B-Girl feigned interest in the suspected cheater and offered to exchange phone numbers or to meet at a later time. If the man took the bait, the wife then had her suspicions verified. If the man declined, the wife could be assured that her mate was most likely faithful. It was a rare man who wasn’t tempted by a B-Girl.
    Their success rate at unearthing cheaters was over eighty percent; what that percentage didn’t reveal however, was that nearly half of those men had never cheated on their partners before.
    Sometimes, opportunity breeds vice.
    Before leaving the reception area, Gail put two fingers to her lips and then placed them upon her late husband’s photo. A nod and a smile to the woman seated at the reception desk, and Gail then entered an elevator, with Kelli following. As the elevator doors closed, Gail asked a question.
    “Is my son in?”
    “Yes ma’am, he’s upstairs in the agency with the old—with Mr. Caliber.”
    “And are you two still seeing each other?”
    Kelli looked down at the floor.
    “No ma’am; that ended some time ago.”
    “Did you choose to end it, or did he?”
    “He did. Your son seems to enjoy... variety.”
    “All Caliber men do, but they all settle down eventually. My husband had gone through hundreds of women before I met him, and that old man up there... I could tell you some stories. Don’t give up on my son Kelli; I think you would make an excellent daughter-in-law.”
    “Thank you ma’am, but I think that boat has sailed.”
    Gail smiled. “Perhaps we can bring it back to port.”
    The elevator doors slid apart to reveal a large open space on the second floor. Dozens of desks were laid out in rows, while a series of cubicle size, glass enclosed offices lined the walls. At the back, was a long room on the left that was the office manager’s; it was separated from the break room on the right by a pair of restrooms.
    The Caliber building was a three-story brownstone. Adjacent to the reception area on the ground floor, were the offices that handled billing, employment and other day-to-day business activities of Caliber Investigations.
    The top floor was where the Caliber Detective Agency did business, and where it had done business for over ninety years. It also housed Jake Caliber’s apartment. The old man had been bequeathed the building back in the eighties when the Caliber Detective Agency only occupied one office.
    Caliber Investigations grew to fill, not only this building, but also many others. Caliber has over a dozen locations across the country, the largest and most profitable being located in Los Angeles, where Gail makes her home.
    Gail walked about the room, greeting the few familiar faces that remained since she ran this office over ten years ago.
    After she and Kelli entered the manager’s office, she shut the door and took a seat behind the desk.
    The first thing she saw was a framed photo of the old man with his signature trench coat, hat and cigar, his right arm was draped around the shoulders of an elderly, but still very beautiful woman. Gail picked up the photo and stared at it.
    “Poor Velma, I was sick that I couldn’t make it back in time for

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