Calculated Revenge

Calculated Revenge by Jill Elizabeth Nelson Page A

Book: Calculated Revenge by Jill Elizabeth Nelson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Elizabeth Nelson
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Noah grinned as he tucked his shaving kit into his carry-on. He wasn’t about to do anything to antagonize a ferocious mama bear.
    Roland was actually built like a bear, thick and solid, with a booming laugh and a friendly manner. But he was an astute businessman and as determined as his wife to protect his own. While Laney put Briana to bed last night and Loretta did a few things in the kitchen, they’d retired to the living room for a serious discussion.
    “I’ve had you thoroughly vetted,” the man had told him. “My sources tell me you used to be the best, but nobody’s offered me a clear explanation for why you quit.”
    Noah shrugged. “I guess there’s only so much tragedy a person can witness until it comes time to change the scenery.”
    Roland frowned and nodded. “Fair enough.” His gaze turned assessing. “I suppose the better question would be what drew you out of retirement.”
    “I guess you could call it the case that landed in my backyard.” Noah grimaced. “When your daughter asked for my help, I could hardly turn her down.”
    The other man grinned. “I never could turn down those big blue eyes of hers, either.”
    If Noah could have stopped the heat from rising in his face he would have.
    Laney’s father laughed and offered his big bear paw. “Just so you know, I’d pay double your price to get the best for my daughter.”
    Noah had gladly shaken Roland’s hand.
    Now he zipped his suitcase with a frown. The man didn’t seem like the kind to make lethal enemies, but then, appearances could be deceiving. Of course, anyone could run afoul of a psycho and set him off for no rational reason. Noah would keep an open mind when he started asking questions of the natives in the Thompson’s old hometown.
    He pulled his case into the kitchen where the family waited for him, all but Briana, who was still sleeping at the 7:00 a.m. hour. Roland sipped coffee at the oval table with the newspaper spread before him. Loretta stood stirring scrambled eggs. They both looked up and greeted him with smiles. Laney’s dad motioned to a spot next to him.
    “You’re all ready?” Laney whisked past him carrying plates and forks toward the table. Her blue gaze held a hint of sadness.
    Because he was leaving? Noah’s heart jumped but he commanded it to settle back into place. She had plenty of other reasons to be sad, as well as for the weariness betrayed by the droop of her shoulders.
    He touched her arm as he took his seat. “Get some rest while you’re in a safe haven.”
    She laughed, and tension retreated from her face. “Is it that obvious? I don’t think I’ve enjoyed a decent sleep since I found that pack.”
    Roland grabbed his daughter’s hand. “You just settle in here, honey, and let us look after you. Noah can do the legwork. Maybe he’ll come up with something those duded up FBI agents missed.”
    Noah’s chest expanded under warm scrutiny from three pairs of eyes. God, make me worthy of this trust. Maybe if he’d leaned more on the Lord, instead of his own abilities, that other case might have turned out better.
    The foursome settled at the table over an eggs and toast breakfast. Roland bowed his head and extended his hands. His wife and daughter each took one, while Noah accepted the delicate hands of the women and lowered his head. Noah might have been able to concentrate better on the prayer if an electric charge didn’t seem to run between his and Laney’s joined fingers, but he appreciated this family’s steady faith after what they’d been through. Sometimes families fell apart during tragedy; other times they got stronger. Noah wasn’t sure yet what his deep loss had done to the faith his parents had taught him. He was still on rocky ground, undecided where he was at with God…or God with him.
    Roland concluded the prayer, and everyone released hands. Laney’s smooth palm slid away from his, and Noah felt the absence. He kept his eyes averted from hers and concentrated

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