Sprechen Sie langsam und lassen Sie sich Zeit zum Überlegen. Sie werden sicherlich gebeten, Ihren Namen und den Ihrer Firma zu buchstabieren: Could you please spell your name? Benutzen Sie dazu die internationale Buchstabierliste im Anhang (siehe Seite 120). Vergessen Sie nicht, auch Ihre eigene Telefonnummer mit Landeskennzahl (country code) durchzugeben, damit Sie zurückgerufen werden können.
A: Miller Communications. Good morning. Can I help you?
B: This is Mr Horst speaking. Could I speak to Mr Chester, please?
A: One moment please. I'm sorry but Mr Chester is on the other line – will you please hold the line? I'll put you through as soon as possible. Or would you like to leave a message?
B: Could you ask Mr Chester to call me back?
A: Of course, what was your name again?
B: My name is Richard Horst.
A: Could you please spell your last name?
B: That's H for Harry, O for Oliver, R for Robert, S for Sugar and T for Tommy.
A: OK, my colleague will call you back as soon as possible.
Thank you for calling and goodbye.
Useful phrases
Directory enquiries (BE), Assistance (AmE) / Telefonauskunft
Could you please give me the number of …
What's the country code, area code of …
You must omit the 0 (ausgesprochen [o] BE und zero AmE) before the area code.
I would like to make a reverse charge call (BE) / collect call (AmE).
I'd like to book a person to person call.
Starting the call / Das Gespräch beginnen
Hello, this is …
Could I speak to …?
Could you put me through to …?
I'd like extension 26, please.
I'm calling about / to …
Making an appointment, arranging a date / Termine vereinbaren
I'd like to make an appointment with …
Would the 28 th of August suit you / be convenient / be OK?
Could we meet on Friday the 28 th ?
How about Friday the 28 th ?
Changing appointments / Termine verschieben
I'm afraid that / sorry but …
I have to change / postpone our appointment.
I can't make it on Monday.
Could we arrange another date?
I'm afraid I have to cancel the meeting.
Problems / Probleme
We have a bad connection.
Would you speak a little louder / more slowly please?
You've got the wrong number.
I've dialed the wrong number.
I'm sorry, he's not available , try again later.
I beg your pardon?
I didn't catch that, would you repeat that please?
Closing the call / Das Gespräch beenden
Right / So / Well / OK!
Thank you for calling / the information / your help.
I look forward to hearing from you again.
I'll talk to you later / soon.
Answering machine, answerphone / Anrufbeantworter
The number you're calling is momentarily unavailable.
Please, leave a message after the tone / signal / beep.
We'll call you back as soon as possible.
Fax / Fax
Da das Fax hauptsächlich als schnelle und sichere Datenübertragung dient, zur Bestätigung von Lieferungen oder Reservierungen (siehe z. B. „Hotelreservierung“, Seite 23) und zum Weiterleiten von Formularen oder Dokumenten, gibt es kaum Fax-Formalitäten. Das Fax ist deshalb für formelle Briefe auch nicht geeignet. Damit es kurz und bündig bleibt, werden beim Fax häufig Abkürzungen benützt, die manchmal die Verständlichkeit etwas beeinträchtigen. Groß- und Kleinschreibung werden dabei nicht beachtet.
ATTN: Millers comunications Chicago, Pchsing Dpt.
Re order BR 1826/5H
rcvd 20 boxes tday. 4 dmged.
pls send new boxes asap. del. urgent.
sales dpt. Collins&Co.London
Ohne Abkürzungen würde das Fax so lauten:
For the attention of Millers communications Chicago, the Purchasing Department.
With reference to the order number BR 1826/5H
We received 20 boxes today, 4 of which were damaged.
Please send us new boxes as soon as possible, as the delivery is very urgent.
Sales Department Collins&Co. London
Useful abbreviations / Abkürzungen
asap – as soon as possible
attn – for the attention of
cfm – confirm
dlvry – delivery
eta – expected time of arrival
pchsing dept – purchasing Department
Laurence Shames
Janice Shefelman
Roberta Kells Dorr
David Hosp
Dez Burke
Stephen E. Ambrose, Karolina Harris, Union Pacific Museum Collection
Eugene W Cusie
Celeste Hall
Elisabeth Rose
Arthur Miller