Bursting With Love
for us as a family. But when Elise found out...They love him so much, and if you could see Elise’s dad. He’s so fragile right now, and what he wants more than anything on earth is to fix things with Jack. I mean, I was coming anyway. What was I going to do? Tell her I wouldn’t let her know how he was doing?”
    “No, of course not. Jack definitely has some unresolved anger and guilt. What are you going to do? Will you eventually tell Jack?” Will I?
    “No, I don’t think so. I’ll let them know that he seems to be still really hurting. You saw him when we arrived. He could barely speak without anger spewing out in all directions. Since you two connected, he’s softened, but you can see he’s still fighting those demons, and he could be for years to come. From what Elise said, he was never an angry person before the accident. She thinks he blames himself, and if what she says is true, then talking to Ralph might alleviate a lot of that guilt.” Elizabeth touched Savannah’s arm.
    Savannah chewed on the reality that Jack might be wrestling with his anger and guilt for years. Years .
    “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you when we first met, but I didn’t know if it was my place or not. When I saw that budding interest between you two, I didn’t want to ruin it with this stuff, but when you asked me just now, I didn’t want to hide it from you.”
    “That’s okay. I get it. It probably would help him to talk to her father, but that really has to be his decision. Does he know he’s sick?” Savannah felt like she held this new knowledge in her hand, and it was a weighty and precarious position to be in.
    “No. By the time he was diagnosed, Jack had basically disappeared from their lives but, of course, not from their hearts,” Elizabeth said. “The disease has progressed really fast. It’s terrible—first Linda, now her father. And Linda’s accident was so tragic.”
    “Jack hasn’t shared the details of her accident with me, and I don’t know if he ever will, but I’d rather hear it from him when he’s ready.” She hated keeping any secrets from Jack, and even though Elizabeth had been planning this trip before she even knew Elise would want her to check on Jack, it still felt wrong not to tell him she knew Linda’s family. She couldn’t decide anything right then. She was too confused to think straight. “I hope they can all get the closure that they need.” Savannah thought of her father and the way he maintained that he was still in contact with her dead mother. She wondered if she was setting herself up to be hurt by continuing things with Jack.
    No one can compete with the ghost of a lover .

Chapter Fourteen
    LATER THAT EVENING, after Aiden was safely tucked in bed, they told ghost stories around the campfire. Lou and Elizabeth sat hip to hip, Elizabeth’s hand resting on Lou’s thigh, her head on his shoulder. Josie and Pratt snuggled together on the other side of the fire. Savannah longed for that kind of comfort. She’d spent so many years being the brave, strong career woman that being able to let down her guard and rely on someone else seemed more appealing than sex and chocolate combined. Her previous boyfriends hadn’t been interested in discussions about her feelings or snuggling just to be close to each other. Their idea of comfort was buying her a box of chocolates once a month. Maybe that was why she’d never felt completely comfortable in a relationship. She always felt like she was on guard—in her relationships and at work. When she was with Connor, she was already deemed a notch below him because he was a celebrity, so she worked extra hard to impress him and his peers, and as a lawyer, she had to be on top of her game every minute. She inhaled the charred, smoky smell of the campfire and allowed herself to dream of a life where she could relax by a campfire more often.
    Savannah glanced at Jack sitting a foot away from her on the grass. His arms rested on his knees, and

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