[B.S. #3] Claiming Laura
    “Let’s get back to why we’re here, at least Brad. I just found out that she works at home most of the time and allows clients to actually visit her home and drop off stuff there. I think that is dangerous and unsafe for a woman that lives alone. I want Brad to stake out her place to see who’s coming and going. After he’s in place, I’m going to visit her office downtown and ask them how they can allow this to go on.”
    Angel, who had quietly listening to Clay’s words, leaned up in his chair and interrupted Clay. “You can’t do that, and Brad can’t stake her house out. This is her life and if you want to remain any part of it, you better rethink your strategy. There’s no reason to think she’s in danger, and she’s not going to allow you to disrupt her whole life. She just met you, Clay. You can’t just barge in and take over. I think you should slow down. After all, you don’t own her.”
    Clay stopped and listened to Angel. What he said made sense, but he wouldn’t allow her to put herself in danger. Clay looked around the table at his friends. “What would you suggest? I just leave her be and allow her to go on letting strange men into her house?”
    “Why don’t you have Grant do a little digging? He could probably find out what arrangement she has with her office, and also her clients. If she’s been working there a long time, maybe they have an ongoing relationship and it’s perfectly safe for them to visit her at home. I would look into that first before going out and getting her fired from your interference.”
    Grant pushed his glasses back up his nose. “I can be real quiet when looking into it. They won’t have a clue. I could get you the information by tomorrow. I agree with Angel. I think you should wait until we find out more, then take action if needed.”
    “OK, OK, I’ll give it until tomorrow.” Standing up from the table, Clay started walking to the door.
    “Where are you going?” Angel asked as his hand gripped the door handle.
    “Just to my office. I want to go over the pictures once again before tonight. I want to refresh my memory.”
    “Good, and put a shirt on before you go anyplace else. I don’t think the office would like a repeat of the fashion show again.” Brad couldn’t help razzing Clay once more.
    Giving Brad a glare over his shoulder, Clay left the conference room and made his way back down the hallway to his office.
    Clay sat down in his large leather chair and looked at the pictures spread over the surface of his desk. If you took the guy out of the pictures, all the women were of slight build, not overly tall, and all had long hair hanging down their backs almost to their waists. Clay recalled Laura as he last saw her in the living room. She would be the perfect match to any of the women in the photos from the back. She had the slight build and long hair. He would have to make sure she stayed away from the Playground until they caught the guy. Not that she would allow him to dictate where she could go, now that he had got his walking ticket. He would just have to worm his way back into her good graces.
    She was one woman that Clay was not going to just let walk away. He didn’t know what it was about her that had him wanting to wrap her up in wool and keep her safe and near him. But Clay had enough years of going through women to know when a special one came along. It didn’t happen often and sometimes not at all. He wouldn’t let this chance escape him. He could see the change Avery made in James. James was now a more contented man with his life, and now a very possessive one with Avery. Clay wanted the same thing.

Chapter Eleven
    Laura sat down with a thump on her couch after Clay had closed the door behind him. Thinking back over their words, she couldn’t believe that she had just blown her chance with him.
    She should have sat down and explained to Clay that only the known and trusted clients were allowed to come to her

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