[B.S. #1] Tied Up in Knotts
He deserves a beating for being a gossip.”
    James laughed back, shaking his head as he left the office.
    Avery watched James leave Clay’s office. With all the yelling going on, she didn’t expect him to be smiling. In fact he looked directly at her and his smile turned into a wolfish grin. Like he would like to eat her up.
    Well he would be starving, Avery thought to herself. He had his chance and blew it. She knew enough, or thought she did, and would be steering clear of him.
    James walked directly to Avery’s desk. By the time he reached it, his grin had turned hard. This had gone on long enough. The little darling needed a spanking. And he was just the one to do it.
    Leaning over her desk, almost touching her, James looked her up and down.
    “Are you done pouting? Think before you answer, I don’t like to be lied to.” James stared directly into her big green eyes.
    Avery looked up at James. He was so close she could smell his aftershave. Well, he could try and intimidate her. But it wasn’t going to work, Avery thought. But God, she wanted to give him another chance. He was crowding her and all she wanted was for him to kiss her. No, that was not what she was thinking. She shook her head at him.
    “No I’m not, and for your information, I’m not pouting. Now go away and let me work.” She waved her hand in the air as if to dismiss him.
    James grabbed the hand waving in the air and pulled her to her feet. Walking around the desk to her side, he put his other arm under her knees and lifted her into his arms.
    “Put me down, James, this isn’t funny.” Concern was now creeping into her voice.
    “It’s not supposed to be funny. This is very serious, and it’s about time you know your place with me. I’ve let you have time, but your time’s up.”
    Avery put her arms around his neck and hung on as he briskly walked to his office. He slammed the door with his foot and turned the lock.
    Striding to the chair in front of his desk, he whipped it around and sat, flipping Avery facedown over his lap.
    Now Avery knew he was serious and started to struggle. “Let me up, you brute. You can’t do this. I have rights. Wait until I tell Clay, your ass will be fired. “
    “Maybe that could happen, but not before I warm your ass for your behavior.”
    “My behavior. I’m not the one going into the alley and buying drugs.” Avery turned her head up to look at him, her hair falling around her face.
    “Why didn’t you ask if you wanted to know what was going on? No, you just leaped to conclusions, and they are wrong. It won’t get you out of your punishment. Now stay still and it will go smoother.”
    “Smoother for you maybe, but it’s not your ass on the line.” Avery squirmed again, trying to dislodge herself from his hold.
    James held her with a firm hand on her back and lifted her long skirt up to her waist, biting back a grin at her words. God, she was magnificent when riled.
    Avery was glad she had at least worn her nice panties for today. Avery gritted her teeth. Why was she bothered to think about her panties at a time like this? Maybe she liked the controlling James. Avery dismissed her thoughts the next second. No way was he getting away with this he-man attitude.
    The next thing she knew, her panties were around her ankles and James had struck her with an open hand on her right ass cheek.
    “Ouch, that hurt.”
    “That’s the point.” James gave her another wallop on her other cheek. This time he held his hand over the area so the warmth was absorbed by Avery.
    Five more were given with Avery yelling, “Ouch” every time. Her voice was now taking on a low tone, like she would be moaning if she allowed herself. James could tell she was holding back.
    “Ready to give up and start acting like an adult?” James asked her in a no-nonsense tone. The heat had now started to make its way down to her pussy and she squirmed on James.
    “No, I saw what you did, and you left my bed for a drug deal.

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