Brooklyn Brothel

Brooklyn Brothel by C. Stecko Page A

Book: Brooklyn Brothel by C. Stecko Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. Stecko
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chance to break away from his hand assault on my body, “Where’s my money, Bo?” I asked stickin’ my hand out.
    He stopped fondlin’ me just like I wanted. “What money, gurrrllll?”
    “Look, don’t play games with me. Betty said you wanted her to Western Union my cut for whatever reason, and now I want it.”
    “Who yo ass talkin’ to? Besides, do you mean mymoney?”
    I finally put my hand down, and looked at Bo like he needed Ritalin. “Yo money. Are you serious? That shit is mine. I worked hard for that money, not you.” I knew talkin’ to Bo like that was bold, but fuck it. I was tired of people tryin’ to play me.
    “Bitch…” Suddenly, Bo stopped in mid-sentence and looked at me with a crazy expression. He then walked up on me and started snifin’ like a blood hound. “Yo clothes smell like fuckin’ weed or some shit. You been smokin’? Did you pay fo that shit wit’ some of my money?”
    I rolled my eyes like he was trippin’, but neva answered the question. Little did Bo know, weed wasn’t the only thing I’d indulged in before leavin’ New York. I couldn’t believe after that long-ass bus ride, the smell was still in my clothes. Thinkin’ back, I had to damn near beg Mike to take me to a convenience store, so I could get some cigars for the weed in the first place, but I was glad I did. Blunts were always a good chaser.
    Somethin’ told me to try and turn up the charm. “Really Bo, you know I need that money for Carlton. Can I please have it?”
    “Look’a’here, gurl. Did yo ass forget that I was the one who sent ya ta make money in the first damn place? You ain’t gon pull nuthin’ ova on me.”
    “I’m not tryna pull nothin’ ova on you,” I pleaded. “Can I at least have some of it?” I extended my hand for the second time, ready for him to grease my palm.
    “Maybe later.”
    That was it. That was the only response I got right before he turned around and walked toward his car. He acted like he wasn’t even gonna grab my suitcase until the bus driver pushed it his way. Knowin’ that this conversation wasn’t goin’ anywhere until I probably gave his ass some head, Idecided to leave it alone, and followed Bo to his Buick.
    Steppin’ inside, nothin’ had changed since I’d been away. Bo had the same coconut air-freshener invadin’ my nose, mixed with the smell of incense. Of course his old school music remained the same. When Bo started the ignition,
Diamond In The Back
by Curtis Mayfield came blaring through the system. I turned the volume down and asked Bo to stop to get me some cigarettes.
    “Oh, so you brand new. First weed, now cigarettes? You want a forty-ounce of Malt Liquor, too?”
    “Seriously, Bo. I need a cigarette, plus I gotta pee.” I started squirmin’ around like I had to go real bad.
    “Why the fuck didn’t you pee back at the terminal? I gotta get to the crib, and make a few moves.”
    He tried to make small talk questionin’ me about the experience at Betty’s, but all he got were one-word answers, and the cold shoulder. How the fuck did he expect me to answer his questions, when he wouldn’t give me my money?
    “You tryna act funky on a brotha?” he asked preparin’ for a wild’n out session.
    “No Bo, I’m just tired. I’ve been on my back all week.” I rolled my eyes and continued movin’ my ass around in the seat.
    Once we arrived to the apartment and Bo unlocked the door, I jetted inside and ran straight to the bathroom. Of course the door got locked immediately. I yanked my pants down as fast as I could, and stuck my fingers into my vagina. My adrenaline pumped ’cause I heard’s Bo’s footsteps headed toward the bathroom. I reached in and out and fumbled all around. I could feel the condom balled up inside of me, my fingers just couldn’t get a good grip.
    I heard the door knob rumble, then Bo started yellin’, “Bitch, why you got my door locked? Open dis damn door, or I’m kickin’ it in!”
    I panicked. The

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