Broken Wings (Hidden Wings Series Book Two)

Broken Wings (Hidden Wings Series Book Two) by Cameo Renae Page B

Book: Broken Wings (Hidden Wings Series Book Two) by Cameo Renae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cameo Renae
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melted my stress away.
    “We’ll be okay,” he whispered. “ I’ll be right here with you. Just don’t let go, and remember to breathe.”
    “Okay,” I said, taking in a nother very deep breath and then exhaling.
    Samuel stepped forward. He turned back and gave me a wink. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. I’ll see you on the other side.” He then stepped into the red swirling lights and… POOF! He was gone.
    I felt my heart stop for a brief moment and then Danyel stepped forward. He casually took another step into the lights, and as if by magic, he was gone too.
    This was totally overwhelming. Kade wrapped his arm around my waist and led me up to the light.
    “ Are you sure this is safe?” my voice trembled.
    “It’s like taking a step, except your step will land you in a different world. This particular step, will be taking us into Hell,” he grinned.
    “Great,” I murmured . That wasn’t the kind of one-stepping I think I’d enjoy.
    Saint or sinne r, whether I liked it or not, Hell was my next destination. Kade still had a smile on his face and seemed to be fine with it, so I guess I should be too…as long as he was with me. I tightened my hand around his.
    “Ready?” he whispered. He leaned over and pressed his lips against mine, taking me by total surprise.
    “I am now ,” I breathed.
    He smiled and w e stepped forward, crossing the threshold from my mortal world, to the Underworld…a world where Fallen, Demons, and Lucifer awaited us.  
    Kade was right. As soon as my foot touched the ground we were in an unfamiliar territory. The ground was a desert wasteland, cracked and parched.
    Dry. Desolate. Dead.
    The air was thick and heav y, and the heat coming out from the ground hurt my lungs. I felt like a fish out of water, trying to gasp for cool, fresh air, but there was none. And, the smell! Ugh! The stench of this place burned my nostrils, and was a hundred times worse than the stench of the Darkling. I almost couldn’t stand it. I wanted to puke. That’s how bad it was.
    “Don’t worry , Emma. Eventually your senses will adapt and it won’t be so bad,” Kade said.
    “Are you sure?” I said, gagging. My eyes began watering and my skin felt like it was melting.
    “Well, not completely sure, but I’m hoping for both of our sakes that it does,” he laughed and pinched his nose. God, he was so adorable.
    I was glad that we weren’t in the dark, and that we could see our surroundings. Steam rose from the larger cracks in the ground, and I started to feel beads of sweat trickle down my brow.
    I had no doubt that this was Hell.    
    I could feel my breath quicken, and my muscles tense, and as it did, my body started to cool down; like someone hit a switch and turned on the AC. It felt like an icy blanket was placed over me, and instantly cooled my hot skin. It brought my senses back to life, and I felt I could breathe a bit easier too.
    “Whoa, this suit is magic.” Kade shot me a bewildered look. “It’s cold. The inside of this suit just got really cold,” I laughed, baffled.
    “D o you have room for one more?” he asked.
    “You wish,” I s aid, blushing. “Actually, it would totally make you feel better.”
    “Yes, I’m sure it would. I n more ways than one,” he winked. Damn. Even in Hell, he was charming. 
    I was really beginning to love this super suit. It was awesome. Yes, it had a few blood and dirt blemishes, but that’s what happens when you need to wear something like this. The blemishes gave it character. It seemed as if the longer I wore the suit, the stronger I felt. Even if it was a false sense of strength, at least it was something. Right now, I’d take anything. 
    I was now a part of an entirely different world, and being a part of this new world, I needed to rewire my thinking. I’d have to kill, or be killed. I’d have to watch loved ones die, and continue to live.
    Kade squeezed my hand, reminding me that we were on a mission .
    Samuel and Danyel were

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