Broken Vows (Domestic Discipline Romance)
exclaimed, moving deeper into the kitchen. "Oh, my God, come here and look! Look at the view from the kitchen window!"
    Josh stepped behind her. "We have the same one from our bedroom."
    "Which has floor-to-ceiling windows and a balcony!" Jenny turned away from the view and threw herself into his arms. "How long can we stay?"
    "Until the job is finished. The owner isn't in any hurry, so it could be a while. It might not be so idyllic after the snows start."
    "I think I can cope," Jenny laughed. "We have an extra bonus, too!"
    "What's that?"
    "It will be like a second honeymoon," Jenny exclaimed. "This reminds me of where we stayed in Vermont."
    Josh looked around in disbelief. "We stayed at the Travel Lodge Motel Cabins. It was so small, when we opened the bathroom door, the door hit the bed. The heater didn't work, either."
    "I know," Jenny said smiling. "It made for great snuggling."
    "Definitely a bonus," Josh agreed, laughing. "Do you want your next surprise, now."
    "There is more? Are we going to the main house? Is it awful?"
    "Not yet, and yes, parts of it are horrible," Josh said, pulling out his cell phone. Whoever he called, he only uttered one word, "Now."
    Jenny looked around puzzled. "What?
    Josh grinned. "Good things happen when good girls are patient." He rolled his eyes upward, hummed a bit, pursed his lips as if he were whistling, and rocked back on his heels. At a knock on the door, he winked. "That's for you, I hope you like it."
    Jenny opened the door and almost fainted. "Mila!" she screamed as she grabbed her younger sister and hugged her tightly.
    * * *
    Josh found a small toolbox and took it took it to the kids' room. He had unpacked the box with the disassembled crib and carried the pieces upstairs. Jen and her younger sister, a runaway at seventeen, were still talking a mile a minute. He expected the gabfest to last a while. He had already taken apart the second twin bed in the kid's room and carried it out to a shed.
    "Do you need help?" Mila Grant stood in the doorway with Jen standing beside her. She didn't look anything like Jenny, she was taller and blonde. Now, she wore overalls with a bulge in the middle indicating she was pregnant enough to be showing.
    "Are you any better than your sister at putting things together?" Josh asked.
    "Jen and I aren't anything alike. She likes the indoor, fussy, girly things. I can handle a screwdriver," Mila said. Josh didn't doubt it for a second. Until recently, she had been a Sergeant in the Army. She also had a degree in mechanical engineering. "We thought we better stop talking and start organizing, or Adam would be sleeping with you guys tonight."
    Josh got to his feet and handed her the screwdriver. "Since he is still in diapers, I would prefer we get his crib together. If you will do this, I will carry the essential boxes to where they go for unpacking."
    Jenny followed him downstairs stopping two steps above him to lean down and kiss him. "Thank you, so much. How did you find her?"
    "Apparently private investigators typically start their searches in two places, the internet, and the military services. The one I hired found her on the second day of his search. She has been in the Army since she was eighteen. It was a simple matter of getting her last known address and making a phone call. She is here on probation, which she knows. If you don't want her here, she goes."
    "Of course, I want her here," Jenny exclaimed. "I have been worried about her for years."
    "She is your sister, Jen, but it doesn't mean you have to like her. She is probably an entirely different person now at twenty-five than when you knew her last as a kid of seventeen," Josh warned. "I haven't had a lot of time to talk with her and we were limited to phone calls, but frankly, I am impressed. She put herself through college while serving in the Army. I don't know too many details beyond that."
    "We are still working on those details," Jenny said. "She's my sister and I love her. Mila

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