Broken Surrender
    Silas’s gut twisted and he felt like a
shithead. “Damn, I’m sorry. I got caught up in the moment there.
You’re absolutely right, sugar. We’ll take it slow and see how
things go. If we’re able to make love to you tonight, at least we
have some protection.”
    “Silas is right. Sorry, baby,” Jeremy said,
moving in on her other side to sandwich her between them.
    She rested her head on his chest, and he
bent to catch a whiff of her sweet raspberry scent. It went
straight to his balls, and he arched his hips away from her to
avoid freaking her out.
    “I just don’t want you guys to be
disappointed,” she said softly.
    “Never,” Jeremy responded instantly. “We
could never be disappointed with you baby. Even if we spend the
whole night on the sofa watching television, eating popcorn, and
drinking beer.”
    Sarah gave him a wry grin and wiggled her
hips, brushing her ass against Jeremy’s groin. “Liar. You’d totally
be disappointed.”
    Groaning, Jeremy clenched his eyes shut as
she laughed.
    “He’s telling the truth. We’d accept blue
balls if it meant you were comfortable, Sarah.” Silas said, jumping
to his brother’s rescue.
    She smiled up at him, her green eyes
flashing with pleasure, “Okay, then I’ll tell the truth. I’d be
disappointed if you two didn’t make love to me tonight.”
    The words were like kerosene on a lit
bonfire. Explosions happened throughout Silas’s body as he captured
her lips with a groan. He could sense Jeremy kissing her neck and
grinding against her from the back, but he pushed it from his mind
to focus on showing her how he felt. This night was going to be a
first for all of them, and he was going to make sure it was the
best night of Sarah’s life.
    ~ ~ ~ ~
    Sarah’s head was spinning. Surrounded by
man-candy, she was dizzy with desire and quickly losing the ability
to think straight. Jeremy was rubbing his hard cock against her
ass, and her aching breasts were smashed against Silas’s muscular
chest. She couldn’t think of a better place to be.
    Wrapping her hand around the back of Silas’s
neck, she held on for dear life as her body zigged and zagged with
every possible emotion and sensation. Her panties were soaked, and
her knees were weak. Could she really be doing this?
    Jeremy’s teeth nibbled along her neck, and
she shivered. Pressing back against him, she tried to relay her
needs via body movements. His hands came up to grip her hips and
hold her still so that he could align his thick cock more perfectly
with the split of her ass, and she gasped against Silas’s
    Silas chuckled and looked at his brother
over her shoulder. “Whatever you just did Jer, she liked it.”
    “Oh yeah?” Jeremy murmured, repeating the
motion. “You like having my dick against your ass, baby?”
    “Mmm…” It wasn’t exactly poetic, but she
couldn’t seem to make her mouth work right. Letting her head drop
back on his shoulder, her eyes drifted closed. She moaned when
Silas cupped her tits and pressed his face into them through her
    “She has perfect tits,” Silas remarked to no
one in particular.
    Jeremy murmured his agreement and said, “And
a perfect ass. There’s nothing about you that’s not sexy.”
    “You haven’t seen my scars yet,” Sarah said,
half joking. Their instant response made her regret her words as
they both stiffened and froze.
    “I don’t have to see them to know they don’t
detract from your beauty,” Jeremy said, his voice taking on a
hardness she hadn’t heard before. “I’m only going to say this once,
Sarah. I don’t like hearing you talk bad about yourself. Silas and
I think you’re hotter than any playmate, and I’ll be damned if
you’ll put yourself down in my presence.”
    “Amen, brother,” Silas growled. A shiver of
desire raced through her. She wanted to argue, but instead, she
nodded quietly in response to their matching opinions and the
sudden shift in demeanor.
    They both

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