BROKEN by Kimberley Reeves Page A

Book: BROKEN by Kimberley Reeves Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberley Reeves
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have his arm looped around her waist as she pushed the cart, he was stealing a kiss.   By the time they left and headed back to the ranch, he had her so sexually aroused it was all she could do to keep from pouncing on him the minute they hauled the last of the groceries into the kitchen.   They managed to put the refrigerated food away before they caved into desire and raced each other up the stairs to her room.   The first round didn’t last five minutes.
    “I’m taking you into town to see a doctor.”  
    Mitch’s stern gaze told her there would be no more discussion on the matter.   It was the third day in a row she’d woken up looking pale and feeling sick to her stomach , and her attempts at work at been half-hearted at best.   She looked tired and drawn as if every movement took a monumental effort and he thought she had also dropped a few pounds.   She’d shoved his concerns aside for the past few days, insisting it was just a bug that would clear itself up , but he wasn’t taking any chances where her health was concerned.
    Jessie rolled out of bed with a groan.   “I feel like a slug.”
    “You look a bit like one two,” he teased as he laid her clothes out on the bed for her.
    “Thank you, that makes me feel so much better.”
    He waited for Jessie to slip into her panties then helped her finish dressing.   “If you had gone to see the doctor two days ago when I suggested it, you would probably be feeling much better by now.”
    Jessie stuck out her bottom lip in a pretty pout.   “I don’t like giving into sickness.   Going to the doctor is an admission of defeat.”
    Mitch told her to sit on the edge of the bed then knelt down to put her shoes on for her.   “Well, slugger, now you’re really sick and paying the price for your stubbornness.”   He stood up and pulled her to her feet.   “We’ll go see the doctor, get you doped up with medicine, and then get you tucked back into bed.”
    “I don’t have time to lie around the house.   The fence in the north pasture needs to be mended, two of the horses are due for their shots, then there’s…”
    “I’ll take care of it.”   He placed his hands on her shoulders and turned her towards the door, giving her a gentle nudge.   “I’ve already asked Del to send one of boys over to fix the fence and I’ll ask Hank to take care of the horses before we leave.”
    Jessie shot him an incredulous glance. “You asked Del?”
    “Yes, and I was very pleasant about it.”
    “Fine,” she said as they descended the stairs, “the fence and horses are taken care of, but I still have to fix breakfast and…”
    “Kenny is handling breakfast for the boys and I’m taking care of you.   The way your stomach has been revolting at the sight of food lately, I thought a few pieces of toast and some herbal tea might settle it down.”  
    When she paused to peek into the kitchen, he put his arm firmly around her waist and swept her out onto the porch.   “Sit,” he ordered, pointing to the porch swing.   “I can’t imagine the smell of whatever Kenny is concocting in there will sit well either so I’ll bring your breakfast to you.”
    “You’re fussing too much .  I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”
    Mitch cupped her chin and planted a firm kiss on her lips.   “I like fussing over you.   Now be a good girl and sit quietly until I come back.”
    Jessie dropped down onto the porch swing, a soft smile curving her lips.   She would never admit it to Kincaid , but she liked the way he was pampering her and taking charge of things.   He’d never once offered to take control of the work that needed to be done around the ranch, always deferring to her before.   She doubted he had even noticed what needed to be repaired or whether the horses and cattle were

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