Brighid's Mark

Brighid's Mark by Cate Morgan Page A

Book: Brighid's Mark by Cate Morgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cate Morgan
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, Romance
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    Liam-Yshotha’s lip curled as he snarled and bucked under her with demonic strength turned all too human.
    Callie never looked away, never blinked. “You thought you sensed unrequited love in him. It was really fear of unrequited love, but it was enough to let you in, in a pinch. Problem is, you were wrong. He is mine.” Yshotha stared at her through Liam’s liquid dark eyes. “ Mine.” she repeated. “And that is your destruction.”
    “You would never leave him here. He would never survive.”
    “Neither will I,” Callie said. “If I stay too long, I suffocate, and my soul is as lost as any other dead Keeper’s, with nowhere to go.” Already her breath came harsh, making her voice rough. “You have no idea what I would sacrifice for them, for humanity. It’s what I’m made to do. I have no choice. Liam knows and understands that, even if few others do.”
    Yshotha glared from Liam’s beautiful eyes. It made her sick.
    “Now here’s the sticky wicket, at least for you. Let’s just say, on an off chance, you survive Liam and me. That’s when your problems really begin. Because the moment my soul disappears to nothing, Brighid will find you. And not even Maeve or your precious damned Lilith can help you then. You take her Keepers, she returns the favor tenfold.”
    Yshotha continued to glare. Callie continued to waste precious oxygen.
    “I see you take my meaning. Now let me tell you what you’re going to do. You’re going leave him, and this city, alone. And if I hear of your presence in any other city, I’ll send the others to finish what I started. You lay low in the Underworld until the End of Days. And then we finish this on a proper field, at the proper time.”
    There was a long moment of uncertainty where they stared one another down. Callie could already feel the air leaving her lungs. She would begin drowning on absolutely nothing instead of fetid fountain scum any moment.
    But so would Yshotha, and the demon knew it. He nodded.
    “Good boy.” Callie followed the thread of light back the way she came, and pulled them out of the void, the world shifting. “Stay back!” she yelled, as soon as the courtyard coalesced around them once more.
    Liam exhaled, eyes closing, and she felt Yshotha’s presence leave his body. She sagged with relief. It was nearly over. There was just one last thing to take care of.
    Liam’s hands touched her bare arms. “Callie?”
    She continued to sag until her head rested on his chest. “I thought I was going to lose you.”
    Liam tried a low laugh. “Never going to happen, Keeper.”
    The shouting started behind her, as she thought it might. Unfortunately, she didn’t react in time. She was simply too weak, between her two struggles with the demon and interactions with Brigitte.
    Callie pushed herself to her feet, turning in time to see Chase level his shotgun right at her. “This won’t kill you permanently,” he said, “but at least I won’t have to see you anymore.”
    He pulled the trigger. But not before Donal leapt in front of her. He went down without a sound.
    Time slowed, almost stopped. Callie ran for Donal, screaming. Liam flew past her and shoved Chase against the nearest wall so hard Chase’s head slammed against it.
    “Hang on,” Callie breathed. “I’ve got you, Donny. Just hang on.” She pulled his shirt open with frantic hands. There was so much blood—too much. His heart jackrabbited against her hand, pumping more out. Somehow, she would have enough left in her to heal him, even if it killed her. “Stay with me.”
    Donal pushed her hand away from his chest. “Don’t.”
    Callie stared at him. “What?”
    “It’s okay.” His breath shook, but he smiled. “It’s not so bad, you know?”
    She looked deep into his eyes, and knew the truth. “You really did forgive Eva.”
    “I never blamed her. I don’t blame you.”
    And then he was gone, soft as a sigh.
    Callie looked up from her dead friend, from the hot

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