brides for brothers 02 - cowboy daddy

brides for brothers 02 - cowboy daddy by judy christenberry Page A

Book: brides for brothers 02 - cowboy daddy by judy christenberry Read Free Book Online
Authors: judy christenberry
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need Pete’s strength, as well as her own, to give her babies a healthy birth. And he deserved to be involved in his children’s lives.
    And then there was the fighting in their families.
    And the fact that she didn’t think she could hold out much longer between Pete’s pursuit and her longings.
    “What condition?”
    Before she could answer, loud honking interrupted. They both turned to see several cars lined up behind them on the road.
    Pete quickly pulled the truck into the same parking place. “What condition?” he repeated.
    “I’ll understand if you say no, Pete. Really, I will. But I can’t—I can’t sleep with you.” After one look at the shock on his face, she turned away and waited for his response.
    One large hand snaked out to pull her chin back around to him. “Let me get this straight. You’ll marry me, but you won’t sleep with me?”
    Her skin tingled from his touch, and she could understand his incredulity. She’d always responded to him like fire racing through deadwood. “Yes.”
    “Janie, that’s absurd! If there was one thing right about us, it was the loving.”
    “But it wasn’t loving, Pete. Remember? You don’t love me. You just want me.”
    “Don’t start that again, Janie. I want to take care of you and our baby—babies. That’s enough.”
    What a hardheaded man. She wanted his love so badly, she’d been willing to risk giving him up. But he hadn’t budged an inch. “Pete, you can say no. I won’t tell anyone. Everyone will continue to think I’m being stubborn.”
    “You are!” he snapped.
    She didn’t think he had to be so quick with his agreement. “Fine. We’ll just forget I ever offered.”
    “Nope, we won’t. I’m accepting your proposal,” Pete said firmly. “I’m marrying you. But I have a condition, too.”
    Such a jumble of emotions filled Janie. She was going to marry Pete Randall. But he had terms. Just like her. “What—what kind of terms?”
    “I don’t want anyone to know that our marriage isn’t a normal one. I’ll go along with your terms until after the babies are born. I’m not sure it’d be safe, anyway. Then we’ll renegotiate. Okay?”
    “Renegotiate?” she repeated, her voice wavering.
    His eyes narrowed, and he reached out to encircle her nape. “That’s right, Janie, my girl. You get your way now. I get my way later.”
    “Wait—” In one fluid motion, he pulled her close, and his lips covered hers. Instantly the longing that welled up in her was more than she could handle. She’d never realized before that life without Pete’s touch was colorless.
    Her fingers fluttered against his cheeks before sliding around his neck. She settled into his embrace with a sigh that shivered all the way through her. How she’d missed his kisses! When his tongue pressed for entry, she didn’t hesitate. The taste of him was ambrosia to her.
    His hands stroked her sides under her coat, then slid around to cup her breasts. Memories of their lovemaking overtook her. Pete had never done anything halfway. When he’d taken her, she’d felt completely loved—and she longed to feel that way again.
    Hazily she tried to remember why they’d stopped loving each other. It felt so good. He felt so good. She slid one hand down across his broad chest, her fingers seeking an opening so she could touch his warm skin.
    But her tactile exploration was cut short when a rapping on the car window interrupted their embrace. Pete looked over her shoulder and grinned at the old gentleman passing by. But Janie couldn’t even summon up a smile. Now she remembered why she hadn’t felt Pete’s arms around her for a long time—and why she’d agreed to marry him but not sleep with him.
    Pete’s loving might be magical, but reality hurt too much afterward. It was a lot safer to do without his touch, she reminded herself as she fought to stay in control of her emotions.
    As if he were obliging her, he immediately set the truck in motion again, pulling

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