Brethren Beginnings ~ Gabriel Seeker
yearned to be less than
he was. A master at knowing all things, he had become bored, and
desired the challenge of not knowing and having to seek out the
answers. Manifesting on earth, E.L. guaranteed he would have that
chance. Gabriel was the first, then, to manifest and scout things
out for the rest. To question and seek answers, to ponder and
plunder through his new life using the limited mind of a
human, was exhilarating! Omniscience gone, he felt challenged for
the first time in his history.
    But as with all things, the grass isn’t
always greener on the other side of the fence. Gabriel and the
other Brethren had been sent to ancient Gaul, and quickly, he felt
too limited by the constraints of that time period. A
challenge is one thing, but having to deal with ignorance,
superstition, and war on a daily basis was not what he had in mind.
No one and nothing helped him gather truth, only supposition, and
he quickly soured to the notion of being on earth. But he knew
what he had gotten himself into when he signed the contract, and
resigned himself to his eternal fate.
    Having done exceedingly well for
hundreds of years at keeping Evil shackled and bound, all of the
Brethren were offered the opportunity to go home and return to
their full angelic forms. Surprised and elated at E.L.’s change to
the contract, he took it and ran, while others chose to remain on
earth. It wasn’t until a thousand years or so after Christ’s death
that he was called back to earth yet again, for the most
major of wars between Good and Evil.  He arrived hopeful that
he would see significant changes after so much time
had passed. But it wasn’t meant to be.  And once again,
having fought back Evil, and with Good remaining sovereign, Gabriel
returned home to his full angelic form. Scarred by evil’s
depraved hand and disgruntled at having found limitations still
existing on earth too vast to overcome, he reveled in his
non-corporeal freedom.
      He often wondered why
the others preferred to stay when it was so much more agreeable to
live beyond with their supreme powers. To each his own, he figured,
and knew in time he would be called back to earth for yet
another major task.  And he was right. He only hoped that this
time, he would be satisfied with the advances made in the modern
era. Manifesting in an Armani suit of the sweetest silver-gray
silk, to match the color of his eyes, and briefcase in hand, he
walked into Sanctuary Camelback Mountain Resort.
    “ My name is Gabriel Seeker,
and I’d like the finest suite available. Money is no object, and
privacy is of the utmost importance. I’ll be staying for a
while.” All too ready to oblige, Caleb, a sprite young man in
his mid-twenties, quickly accommodated him. This enigmatic man’s
god-like stature and demeanor told Caleb in not so many words that
if he did his job well, there would be a very nice tip at the end.
Spurred on by this notion, Caleb decided to step away from the
registration desk to see Gabriel personally to his
    “ I’m sure you’ll find
everything to your taste and requirements, Mr. Seeker. If not, rest
assured that I will personally see to it that all is rectified. For
a guest such as yourself, I have included complimentary breakfast
and dinner for the length of your stay. If there is anything more I
can do for you, sir, all you need to do is ask.” Caleb gushed,
knowing his boss would be thrilled with the big score.
    “ Caleb, if you can handle my
unusual needs in a timely fashion, I will consider acquiring your
talents for my company. I am in need of an assistant, and I can
guarantee you, my company pays much better than this one. Let’s
call the next few days a test of sorts, shall we? Should you pass,
I will offer you the position as my assistant. If you fail, well,
you’ll just be Caleb, behind the counter. Sound good?”
    “ Sounds intriguing, sir. I
like challenges and I like money, so fire away. Make your list and
see if I don’t

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