Breaking Travis (The West Series Book 5)

Breaking Travis (The West Series Book 5) by Jill Sanders Page A

Book: Breaking Travis (The West Series Book 5) by Jill Sanders Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Sanders
sidewalk. They walked around the side of the hotel and stopped in front of a dark sedan. He opened the back door and motioned for her to get in. “It would be beneficial if you cooperate.”
    She glared at him and got in. When he got in next to her, she spoke up. “If this is about the fifteen thousand, I can pay you.”
    He laughed. “I don’t need your money or his. I make more than triple that for one fight. Especially if it involves Travis. He’s a star you know.” The man looked over at her.
    “Then you have no intention of letting him go?” She bit her bottom lip.
    “No, not until he’s no longer useful to me. And he’s been on a winning streak. He’s a sure win tonight.”
    She glared at him and tried to think as the car drove them quickly out of town. She tried to remember landmarks, but it was too dark and everything was going by too fast.
    By the time they pulled off the road, she was completely and helplessly lost. When they stepped out of the car, the heat of the dessert hit her and her heels sank in the soft sand. There were over a hundred cars parked around a small building that looked like an old car wash.
    “Come with me.” Randy grabbed her arm again. She jerked it away.
    “There’s no need to be rude.” She glared up at him and he dropped his arm and nodded.
    “Fine. This way.” He motioned for her to follow him. They walked around the building and entered the back door.
    The room was brightly lit. They walked down a long hallway and when Randy opened a door, she saw Travis sitting on a bench, having his hands taped.
    When he saw her, he frowned and stood. “What’s this about?”
    “We thought it would be helpful if your lady friend joined us tonight.”
    “I don’t want her here.” He sat back down and nodded to have the man finish taping up his fists. She was shocked at Travis’ attitude. He’d dismissed her like it was the most natural thing for her to be kidnapped and dragged into the dessert.
    “She stays,” Randy said, pushing her a step further into the room. She almost fell when her heel snagged on the floor. Travis was up quickly, gathering her in his arms.
    “Sorry about this,” he whispered to her.
    She nodded and held onto him. He made sure she was steady on her feet and then moved closer to Randy.
    “Regardless of what happens tonight, this is the last time I’ll fight for you.” He stood his ground.
    “You’re finished when I say you are. Besides, there’s a little matter of the money you owe me.”
    “I offered you the money on the ride over here.” She stepped forward, only to be pushed behind Travis. “He doesn’t want the money,” she said to his back.
    Travis looked at Randy. “I mean it. This is the last time.” Randy laughed and waved him away. “Holly sits where I can see her and we leave together.”
    Randy looked at her. “Such a pretty little thing. Much prettier than the blonde you brought along last time.”
    Holly’s stomach dropped with the knowledge that Travis had brought Savannah to a fight. Why hadn’t he wanted her to come along? She kept her eyes focused on Travis’ back as the men argued. When Travis turned back around and pulled her next to him as he sat to have his other hand taped, she could feel him vibrating with anger.
    When they walked from the room, he pulled her close and whispered. “No matter what happens, stay put in your chair. Don’t move from it. I mean it, Holly. Not until I come and get you.”
    She nodded as they walked into a large room filled with people cheering. The cage was bigger than she’d imagined it would be. They looked so much smaller on TV. He walked her over to a corner chair and sat her down.
    “Stay here.” He leaned down and before he kissed her quickly, he said, “I’m sorry you were dragged into this.”
    She watched him step into the cage and the crowd went wild, chanting his name over and over.
    She sat there in her fancy red dress with her sexy black heels and wished to be

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