Boxed Set: Dominated by a Billionaire - Part 10-12: Irresistible Billionaire

Boxed Set: Dominated by a Billionaire - Part 10-12: Irresistible Billionaire by Emma M. Green Page A

Book: Boxed Set: Dominated by a Billionaire - Part 10-12: Irresistible Billionaire by Emma M. Green Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma M. Green
at each other. He is never as handsome and as manly as when he is angry, and this realization only irritates me more. Then his hostile glare vanishes, his grayness takes on lighter shades and his features soften up. I realize that he understands and that I have finally made myself heard.
    “I count on asking for forgiveness,” he mumbles, coming closer and grinning again.
    “You think so?” I say, backing up. “You’re dreaming, King. You missed your chance, it’s too late.”
    “I can be very convincing, when I want to be,” he says, moving forward a little faster.
    “And I am very stubborn, when I want to be,” I reply. Suddenly his arms grab me and press me against him. “Hands off!”
    My giggles and attempts at resistance echo in the huge entryway, then silence becomes mandatory when his lips take hold of mine and kiss me eagerly. My damn CEO has just shut my trap up, but the punishment is worth it…
    The sound of footsteps reaches us, several feet away. Adrian Forester clears his throat, in the distance, and I come down off my cloud… on fire.
    “Consider that as just a taster,” Vadim says, interrupting our kiss. “Now, go home, dear fiancée, and wait for me like a good girl.”
    I’m dying to slap him, but I control myself. I stare at his damn smile and his playful look a few more seconds, then do an about-face and head towards the exit, without looking back.
    “I’m going to miss you, Lancaster,” Vadim shouts out.
    “So, follow me!” I reply, without stopping.
    “I love you, Lancaster!” he adds, laughing.
    “If you say so!” I shout back, for lack of anything better.
    Is it asking for too much to come first?
    To come before his business, his secrets, his need to know everything and control everything?
    At this time of night, the traffic isn’t clogging the big Parisian avenues, thank goodness! I reach our building, park quickly in one of our parking spaces and walk back to the street, heading for the Italian caterer on the corner. Bad surprise: my father appears in my field of vision. I see him next to his car, watching my building, with his head raised towards the top floor. Sitting in the passenger seat of his Audi, I notice a young woman. Probably Cécile.
    Bad taste in my mouth…
    “What are you doing here?” I say, taking him by surprise.
    “Alma, I was waiting for you.”
    “I figured as much – you’re in front of my building.”
    My coldness catches Edward off guard, who no longer knows how to handle the situation. He stammers the beginning of a few sentences before managing to get a full one out:
    “Listen, I didn’t react well to this news of you getting married. Your mother could have given you the message more tactfully, but…”
    “More tactfully? Are you joking? You are nothing but a coward, dad! You didn’t even have the guts to tell me what you thought face to face! You make mom to do your dirty work, after everything you’ve already put her through!”
    “Calm down, Alma and please change your tone,” he interrupts, raising his voice.
    “You don’t deserve for me to talk to you any other way. You don’t deserve anything. And how dare you stick her under my nose?” I shout, pointing at his chick, sitting quietly in her seat like a good girl.
    “Cécile will be your stepmother soon. And that child will be your half-brother. You’re going to have to accept that…”
    “The child, yes, because it wasn’t his choice. And certainly not to have a father like you. But you should know right away: that woman will never be part of my family!”
    “You’ll change your mind over time. Basile and Lily will too,” he claims, very sure of himself.
    “As a matter of fact, I’ve already changed my mind – but about something else: my wedding. Whether you want to come or not, you are no longer invited! Enjoy your new family and let me enjoy mine. You have done enough damage as it is…”
    I don’t give him the time to protest. I turn around, and one

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