Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Sam Crescent Page B

Book: Bound to Be Taken [Rock Wood Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Classic) by Sam Crescent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sam Crescent
Tags: Romance
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Getting around after that was a fucking nuisance.”
    “You were not always part of the Eagle pack,” Titania said. Even she knew there was more to Misty’s turning. Also, there was no way the other woman would have been able to keep that secret for long.
    “No, you’re right. I wasn’t. The instant I joined the Rock Wood Pack I got Micah’s attention. He wanted me and I knew if I made myself available to him, he’d fall all over himself to take me.” Misty shrugged and smiled.
    Titania stood beside her friend. She didn’t want any more harm coming to him. David never did anything wrong.
    “Once I started fucking him, I knew it was only a matter of time before he claimed me. Then that fucking bitch stumbled into the bar with her whore of a sister and took everything away from me. Micah wouldn’t come near me after that. Charlotte’s claws were in and any chance of getting Rock Wood was gone.”
    David’s laughter cut through her story. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. All this is because of another woman? Charlotte is worth a hundred of you and do you want to know why? She doesn’t open her legs for any man who can give her power.”
    The man lashed out with disgust, slamming the bat against David’s knees and then his stomach.
    Titania screamed and stood in front of him. “Stop it.”
    The guy looked to Misty who nodded. The man raised his bat once again and brought it down on Titania. She wasn’t strong enough. Her leg snapped and she went down to the floor panting. The pain snapped her mind off Misty.
    “No, fuck, leave her alone,” David screamed.
    Misty went to her knees grabbing a fistful of her hair. “That’s right, little bitch. You can’t turn at all. You’re fucked with that broken leg. Tatum, again,” Misty said.
    The bat came down on her other leg hard. Nothing broke but the pain was intense.
    Tatum brought the bat down until her second leg snapped from the contact. She couldn’t control herself and vomited over Misty’s shoes.
    She didn’t walk away. Her fingers dug into Titania’s face.
    “Why?” Titania asked.
    “Because I wanted my own pack. Brandon left these alone and they’re my people now, my men. They wanted women and I gave them women. Rock Wood will not be around for much longer. I intend to make it a much better place than anyone ever dreamed. Eagle will be the name everyone fears.”
    “All this for a pack?”
    “It’s my pack. You wouldn’t understand anything about power. This is all mine and no one can take that away from me. Not you or Micah or Cade.” Misty let her go. “Come on, boys. It won’t be long before Titania starts to hurt. Those legs are going to bleed out and soon she’ll die. I wonder what Cade will do then.”
    The door closed, leaving them alone.
    “Shit, Titania, why did you do that?” David asked.
    “They were hurting you. You’re my friend and I can’t let scum hurt my friends.” She used her hands to try and move around the back of David.
    “What the fuck are you doing? Stay still or you’ll hurt more. You can’t turn and Micah is not here to help you.” David kept arguing with her. She ignored him and looked at the chains containing him. The chains stopped him from turning.
    “Micah and Cade have no idea where we are. If I can get you out of here you can get them to come and save me,” Titania said, looking around for something to pry the chains open. The pain made it hard for her to think and to breathe.
    “I’m not leaving you here, Titania.”
    “If you don’t leave me then I’ll die for sure. You’ve got no choice, David. Either stay and watch me die or run for help and try to save me. It’s up to you.” The finality of her death hurt.
    “Fuck, I hate this. Okay, get me out of here and I’ll get help.”

Chapter Twelve
    Cade stood up and stared behind him where Micah and the others stood. His woman was gone. He failed to protect her when it mattered the most.
    Standing up, he looked

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