Bound by the Moon (The Ancients Series Book 4)

Bound by the Moon (The Ancients Series Book 4) by Christine M. Butler Page B

Book: Bound by the Moon (The Ancients Series Book 4) by Christine M. Butler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christine M. Butler
Tags: paranormal romance, Paranormal & Fantasy
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Jack a fighting chance of survival when pitting us against unnumbered dark ones and a Fiul Sange. When Layla left to join the others I noticed Gabriel lurking in the hallway, and called him into my father’s office. “Gabriel, I have a task for you, if you feel you are up to it.”
    “I thought you’d never ask. I’ve been waiting to be able to assist you.” I stepped back, and eyed him then as he sighed. “Not in a weird, creepy way. If you knew your complete history, you would understand. One hunter is almost always chosen to stand by the side of the White Wolf as her humble servant. I thought, perhaps, you would chose me.” I quirked up my eyebrows at him, not knowing whether to amused or surprised. “For some that meant they used us a shield in battle or for other, less grim tasks.” When I gave him my angry face, he quickly added on, “not that I expected that of you. It was obvious that you had a true mate when we met. I just hoped you would still chose me to your sword in battle, or your advisor in those sorts of things.”
    “I see. Well, you probably should have mentioned all that a bit sooner, because until Layla got here Mikael and I thought you had some sort of weird fantasy crush on me, and it was starting to creep me out.”
    “Oh, well, I suppose with such horrible communication skills, I didn’t deserve the spot after all.” I smiled at him, easing the tensions a bit.
    “I do have a job for you though. I need someone to be able to keep Layla safe, and hidden while she upholds her part of our plan. Apparently the only way for her to direct me to the portal is by physically taking me there. You hunters have special gifts, correct? Do you have anything in your bag of tricks that could keep her hidden?”
    “I do, in fact, and I would be honored to help.”
    “Great, but while on the way there, you need to keep your distance, and make sure she doesn’t see you. I don’t want you to show yourself until we get close enough that she can go no further without risking herself, is that understood?”
    “And one more thing…” I added as I got up to leave my father’s office. “If I am not able to come out in one hour with the baby, then you are to take her back home. Do not let her stay and get herself killed.”
    “I understand.” As I was moving through the doorway he grabbed my hand and pulled me back momentarily. “Jessica, if we must leave without you, what would you have me tell the others when we get back?”
    “Tell them I loved them, and it was an honor to know each and every one. Tell Sierra how sorry I am, and that I tried.” The words were out of my mouth before I could even think of them, because it was all that needed to be said.
    He nodded. “You are a true warrior at heart. I would that you had been born a hunter. You would have made us very proud.”
    My father’s voice, full of disdain and worry, roused my attention as I entered the room again. I’m not sure what exactly he was saying though, because by the time I actually started paying attention again, it was Sierra who was coming out of her seat to plead with me.
    “Don’t listen to that. We have to get him back!” Sierra’s face was stricken, and tears once again streamed freely down her face. I had always been under the impression that the reason mothers loved their babies so much was because they felt the miracle of growing a person within themselves. I was seeing now, that it simply wasn’t true. Babies, children even, have a magic all their own that wraps around a person’s heart and ensnares them. Sierra would give up her everything for the child that wasn’t biologically hers just as I would for Willow.
    I turned to my mother then, “I need you to keep Willow safe, and take care of her until Mikael or I get back.” My mother started to protest, but I shushed her quickly. “I can’t sit back and leave that baby to be drained because I was afraid for myself. If it were Willow, I

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