Bought and Trained
spoken; the other wore an identical garment, but in
     white. In silence, each of them went to the cot of one of the new arrivals, and began
     to unfasten her. In silence, then, they unbuckled cuffs, and belt, and collar, and
     put those things in a chest that stood in the entryway.
    Rose felt like she was still dreaming one of the dreams she had after Master Leo had
     given her the sleeping pill: girls in lingerie being fucked brutally in their backsides,
     and men in masks, with monstrous cocks to do the fucking.
    Rose had expected, when she realized what the attendants were doing, that they would
     be businesslike about the task, but the touch of the girls in the little nightgowns
     was anything but clinical and, as if on cue, they began to murmur softly to the new
     girls as they took off their leather restraints.
    “Lovely,” said the blond girl in the blue nightgown, as she unbuckled Rose’s ankle
     cuffs. “It feels strange to have your pussy so bare, doesn’t it, sweetie?”
    On the next cot over, where a girl with long wavy black hair, tied in a red ribbon,
     was attending to the little redhead, she heard the black-haired girl say, “Did Master
     Jeff keep the nipple clamps on for a long time? He likes to do that with the small-sized
     girls, I know.”
    What the blond who was removing the belt from the curvy brunette was saying was too
     soft for Rose to hear, especially because she felt her attendant let her fingers linger
     between Rose’s thighs for a long moment before beginning to unbuckle the belt. “Mmm,”
     said the attendant. “I bet Master Leo had fun this weekend.”
    The older woman clapped her hands three times. “Enough!” she said. “Girls, I am afraid
     it is traditional here for new concubines to have this little initiation before their
     true one; I feel sure that in a few weeks you will be saying such naughty things to
     new girls yourselves, but I know how strange all of this seems. Please get up and
     follow me into the foyer. At the bottom of the staircase, you will find your kneeling
     mats, with your names on them. When we are done in the foyer, you will be rolling
     those mats up and bringing them with you at certain important times. From the moment
     you kneel on your mat for the first time, it is your responsibility, and you are to
     keep it clean, and have it with you when you should. Kerry, what happens to girls
     who forget their kneeling mats?”
    “The cane, Miss,” said Rose’s attendant immediately, but also very quietly.
    “You may direct any questions you have about how severely a girl is caned for forgetting
     her mat to Kerry, girls.” Rose saw that Kerry was blushing deeply, her eyes downcast.
    “I am Miss Abigail, girls, but you are to call me simply, ‘Miss.’ I am going to ask
     you a question in a moment, and you are going to respond, ‘Yes, Miss.’ I hope that’s
     sufficiently clear, or you may earn your first punishment before you even get into
     the door. Are you prepared to follow my orders?”
    “Yes, Miss,” Rose said, and heard the other two new girls say the same, the fear audible
     in all their voices.
    Miss Abigail turned and walked into the foyer. The brunette, and then the redhead,
     and then Rose herself, followed. Their attendants entered after them.
    As promised, there were three white squares on the creamy stone floor of the foyer,
     at the bottom of the staircase. They said, in blood-red letters along the edge closest
     to the staircase—letters that were upside-down from Rose’s perspective—‘Annie,’ ‘Bridget,’
     and ‘Rose.’
    “Girls,” said Miss Abigail, standing in front of the mats now. “Please stand in front
     of your mats.” They obeyed. The brunette, it appeared, was Annie, and the redhead
     was Bridget.
    “You will see that your names are upside-down. Leah, why is that?”
    From behind Rose, one of the other attendants (Rose did not dare to turn around to
     see who it was) said, “Our names are for our

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