Born Evil
I’ll make damn sure no one else will want yer, you fucking slut!’ he screamed.
    Woken by the commotion, Charlie picked up Mr Teddy and toddled out of his bedroom. As he watched Daddy hitting Mummy with the alarm clock, he began to giggle.
    Debbie lay on the floor with two of her teeth on the bare boards beside her. When Billy saw his son, he dropped the alarm clock and froze. As injured as she was, Debbie spat out a mouthful of blood and managed to say, ‘Go back to your room, Charlie.’
    Unsettled by his son’s presence, Billy ran out of the room. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck!’ he shouted as he head-butted the fridge.
    Charlie picked up his mother’s teeth and tried to fit them into Mr Teddy’s mouth. ‘Mummy ill,’ he giggled.
    Debbie tried to sit up, but was unable to. Her poor, poor baby. No child should ever have to witness what he had just seen. ‘Please, Charlie, be a good boy. Give Mummy the teeth and go to your room.’
    ‘Nooooo,’ Charlie screamed. He was enjoying himself far too much to go back to bed. Sitting down next to his mum, he stared at the puddle of blood by her head. Smiling, he picked up Mr Teddy and rubbed his face in it. ‘Mummy bleed, Teddy bleed.’
    Debbie took one look at her son’s gloating expression and finally burst into tears.
    Sharon was dancing around the living room with her eldest kid and her Aunt Ivy to Wizard’s ‘I Wish it Could Be Christmas Every Day’, when she heard the bangs and crashes coming from next-door. Guessing that Billy was home and it had kicked off, she picked up her phone and calmly dialled 999. She wouldn’t dream of intervening personally. She knew exactly what Billy McDaid was capable of.
    Billy paced up and down the kitchen, talking to himself like a madman. Spotting his son, he picked him up, held him in one arm and lit a fag with the other hand.
    ‘Can I watch Mummy die?’ Charlie asked.
    Billy smiled, ‘Okay, wee man.’
    Debbie squinted. Her head was banging and she was unable to focus properly. ‘Take Charlie into the other room, Billy, don’t let him see me like this,’ she whispered.
    ‘Fuck off,’ he said, aiming a sly kick at her swollen face. ‘He’s my son and I’ll do what I want with him, you stupid bitch.’
    Charlie giggled. ‘I’m hungry, Daddy.’
    ‘Shall Daddy make us some sandwiches?’
    Charlie nodded. Billy aimed one more kick at Debbie and, with his son hugging him tightly around the neck, strolled out into the kitchen to butter the bread.
    By now, Debbie was too weak to move. She was sure her leg was broken, and was having trouble keeping her eyes open. ‘Please God, help me,’ she whispered.
    Sharon let the police into the block and gave them the lowdown. ‘Look, it might be nothing, but you have to check on her. There was a terrible commotion earlier and now it’s gone deathly quiet. He’s beaten her to a pulp before. Could you just check to see if she’s all right?’
    Debbie could feel herself drifting off to sleep. The knock on the door woke her up.
    ‘Open up, it’s the police!’
    ‘Help,’ Debbie tried to say. Her mouth opened, but her voice failed her.
    ‘Ner, ner, ner, ner, ner, ner, ner, ner,’ Charlie screamed, as he jumped up and down excitedly. He had a real thing about blue flashing lights.
    ‘Shhh, be quiet,’ whispered Billy.
    The old bill smiled when they heard the child’s voice. ‘Open up, McDaid. We know you’re in there.’
    DC Longman had had a lot of dealings with Billy in the past and despised the fucking scumbag. To nick him tonight would be the best present he could wish for. Far better than anything Santa had brought him.
    ‘You’ve got one minute to open this door, McDaid, else I’ll break it down.’
    Billy stood frozen to the spot. He was fucked now, well and truly, and he knew it.
    As the front door began to splinter, he panicked. Grabbing his son, he ran into the living room and opened the main window. ‘Nooooo, daddy, nooooo!’ Charlie screamed as he was dangled

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