Book of the Hidden

Book of the Hidden by Annalynne Thorne Page B

Book: Book of the Hidden by Annalynne Thorne Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annalynne Thorne
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worried. The woman wouldn't call the police... She appeared to be a bit senile.
          Just then Vivian was struck with how well known the two brothers must be now. It was amazing how many humans were interested in the unknown, but none of them paid the least bit attention when it was right in front of their eyes. They truly were blind to the magical world that so closely collides with theirs.
          "Come on, we're going to eat in the room," Jean lead Jake and Vivian away, taking their plates, and Jake's fresh bowl of Fruit Loops and m&m's with them.
          When the door closed behind them, and they sat everything down, Vivian turned to the boy who happily ate his breakfast. "Seth's wife?"
          Jake smiled. "Someday."
          Vivian opened her mouth to protest, but shut it not sure of what to say.
          "Viv, we should get going."
          "Oh I want to come..." Jake whined again.
          Vivian sighed, and looked over to Jean for help, but she only shrugged her shoulders turning her back to them. Vivian looked down at Jake's anxious face.
          "Fine, you can come."
          "Viv?" Jean asked cautiously.
          "We can keep a better eye on him when he's with us," she whispered when she walked over to her. "It's best that we know exactly what he's doing. I don't trust that someone won’t knock on this door, and it being someone like Astrid."
          Jean looked up, worried etched on her face, and in her voice. "You think she will be after revenge."
          "No doubt. Come on Jake." She headed towards the window opening it to the full parking lot. There was no need to attract anymore attention than necessary. So they all climbed through, and piled in the car, Jake curling into a tiny ball in the backseat like he had when they found him in the jeep yesterday.
          The Church was ordinary, small, with a steeple cross reaching high for the heavens. The light gray stone made it look odd as though it had not always been a Church, but a few renovations changed that for the time being. Beyond it you could see a graveyard with a metal fence running around the gravestones protruding from the ground. There was a fresh new one, not stained yet from bird droppings and bad weather. At the foot of it, a six foot hole was dug into the ground. Vivian had the image of her aunt being lowered into it, but it caused her eyes to sting from tears, and she diverted her thoughts.
          Familiar cars filled the parking lot, all of them Vivian recognized as her families. It was all becoming real to her now, as since she found out about her aunt, it had all felt like a dream, and she was just now being woken up rudely. If only she could go back into her dream state, then maybe she could handle her family better than she thinks she could.
          “Viv, lets go.” Jean prodded her shoulder, and Vivian like a statue, had come to life.
          The funeral home smelled appropriately like a mix of flowers and tears. The walls were draped in dark blue with tiny flowers all connected through a stem making curly designs never to be broken.
          “Oh, I hate this place. Always smells like the vampires rooms.”
          Vivian shot her a warning look as a man in a clean pressed black suite came up to them with a friendly, isn’t-it-sad-to-be-you, smile.
          “Hello ladies, and young gentlemen,” he bowed sweetly to Jake. “May I ask who you are with?”
          “Karen Jones.”
          The man nodded, and pointed down the hallway they were facing. “Make the first right.”
          The three of them walked uncommonly slow. When it came to seeing their family, they were in no hurry, not even Jean.
          Somber whispers reached them from around the corner to the room, and when they saw inside it made Vivian’s stomach lunge forward. It wasn’t a shocking sight, she knew her family would be here, but now there was no turning back, they

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