Book of Remembrance: The Forgotten Gods: Book One

Book of Remembrance: The Forgotten Gods: Book One by Tania Johansson Page A

Book: Book of Remembrance: The Forgotten Gods: Book One by Tania Johansson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tania Johansson
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quickly. “I
think we’d better head back. We can’t allow Kadin here to miss his own
announcement.” A murmur of agreement went through the group.
    We started off, but Wilm put a
hand on my shoulder and walked slowly so that we fell behind the others. “Don’t
let his reaction upset you. You know he does not much like surprises and he is
even less fond of change. He will come around soon enough and things will go
back to the way they were. Jench had the right of it.” I smiled appreciatively
and nodded.
    My thoughts went back to the
Book of Remembrance. I was eager to look through it. To study
my enemies. To know what may await me, but at the same time, I was
quietly petrified for all the same reasons. I had the feeling that once I
looked at that Book my childhood was truly over.
    Not long after arriving back at
the square the Kichwa stood on the central dais and called for quiet. He
cleared his throat loudly. “As you are all aware, Kadin Aken has returned from
his Seeking. The Cha has taken his report and he will now announce his
    He gestured to the Cha who stood
up and walked onto the central dais. There was deathly quiet and I could feel
the tension in the air. Failure was less common than success, but not rare by
any means. The Cha’s face was carefully blank.
    “Young Kadin has completed his
Seeking. We must rejoice in his success for it is ours as well!” His voice
boomed out over the square and was met with rapturous applause and whistles
chirping shrilly in between.   The Cha was
smiling broadly. When the noise died down, he spoke again. “Kadin, please join
me on the dais.”
    I walked proudly trying to
ignore the few disapproving looks I got. I heard a few whispers about my sword.
Not even the Kichwa’s Sword of the Navitas was a match for the glory of Sunder.
I caught him peering at it as well with his mouth drawn in a tight disapproving
line and thunder brewing in his eyes.
    Moma walked up to the Cha and
handed him a small package wrapped in fine blue silk. The Cha shook my hand
warmly. “Congratulations.” Louder, he said, “I present to you the Denouement
    He handed the silk package to me
with a bow. All successful Seekers receive a Denouement gift, but no two gifts
were alike. The Cha chose it based on what you reported on your return.   Some people never revealed what they were
given, but that was your choice.
    Quietly he whispered to me, “It
is called a sentinel. May it serve you well. Use it
only in your most desperate hour of need, because you can only use it once.” He
flourished a nimble bow to the crowd and I mimicked him. The crowd once again
erupted in cheers.
    The celebrations went on into
the early morning and as I was still exhausted from my long ride home, it
continued well after I had given in to exhaustion and gone home. I lighted my
oil lamp and placed the still silk wrapped package in my chest before taking
the Book of Remembrance out.
    Kicking my boots off, I lay down
and started reading the introductory page written in the same neat script I had
seen at the bottom of the picture of the Dyrrendrel. ‘Reader beware :
power lies in names. Naming awakes the slumbering. Do not name those you do not
wish to summon.’ My lids were heavy and my eyes burning and I closed them to
rest a moment.

    ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞

rays slanting in through my window woke me. I started awake; the Book, but it
was still lying on my chest open to the introductory page. I wished I could
sleep a little longer, but the Shea-Rin called. I stretched out, picked up
Sunder and managed to complete it with only the merest sheen of sweat.
    I washed with the cold water in
my room before taking out my sketchpad and charcoal. I started with the
Dyrrendrel, but by the time I was done, I had sketched my mother and father as
I had seen them during the Cha’s telling, King Vlearian standing with Sunder,
Quiniewa, Grer, Master Boryka, even the young boy from the burned village.

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