Bone Deep

Bone Deep by Randy Wayne White Page B

Book: Bone Deep by Randy Wayne White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Randy Wayne White
Tags: Mystery
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doesn’t come begging for food,” I said. “Is it because of the fence?”
    The electrified cables, the way they sizzled, were intimidating.
    Owen replied, “All Toby knows how to do is eat and shit, so, yeah, I suppose so.” He said it with an edge that told me he wasn’t fond of the animal.
    The fence was solar-powered—high-tech, in contrast to the gate chain, which made a medieval clatter when Owen unlocked it to check something inside the pasture. He didn’t like being in there with Toby, even at a distance. I noticed that, too, but understood. Elephants are social animals, so a lonely old bull might be prone to erratic behavior. No herbivore on earth is better equipped to kill.
    “You can see the position Leland’s in,” Owen continued when we were back in the Jeep. “Taking care of elephants is part of his family’s . . . I forget the word.
. But more than that. Henry L., the grandfather, he knew the early circus owners. They trusted him when an animal needed a home. That’s how it started. Sure, Leland would like to provide a place for unwanted elephants. Who wouldn’t? But there’s already a place that does the same thing only a few miles north of here.”
    That was news to me. “I’m surprised I don’t know about it. What’s it called?”
    “Florida Elephant Rescue Center, but there’s no sign on the road. It’s privately funded, and they don’t want visitors. Supposedly two hundred acres, and a staff. The circuses chip in, and some animal rights groups. Can you imagine the cost? Toby alone runs us almost fifty grand a year.”
    “A few miles? I would’ve passed it.”
    “No, the entrance is fifteen miles or so by road, but the property lines connect not far from this ridge. That’s the twins’ backup plan. Donate Toby and all the land to the rescue center.”
    I said, “Just give it away, huh? What does Leland’s wife say?”
    Owen stiffened while his face attempted neutrality. “You’d have to ask Ava. Cash flow is what the company needs right now.”
    “I thought she sided with the twins,” I said. “That’s what Leland told me.”
    “She . . . Ava . . . well, I’m not going to get into their personal life. But I respect Leland enough to notice this decision is affecting his health. The elephant thing is just crazy, if you ask me.”
    I said, “The twins want all six hundred acres?”
    “As much as they can get. Doesn’t faze them that Leland has already set aside this spot until Toby dies—it’s in the contract if he signs with the mining companies. You know, four or five years down the road, then they can bring in the equipment. But commit the whole property to rescuing circus elephants?” Owen shook his head at the absurdity of it. “That would cost millions. I have no idea what Leland’s monthly nut is, but it’s got to be huge. Leasing the property is the only solution. Think about it—total restoration once the mining companies are done. It would solve all his problems.”
    I was being pressured not only to accept the consulting job, I realized, but also to provide a favorable water analysis. So I switched to safer topics, and waited until Owen dropped me at my truck to ask about the missing list of collectors.
    “Almost forgot,” he said, then, after searching his briefcase, added, “I must have left it at Leland’s office.”

    Sunday eve.
    Frustrated, Dunk came into the house, saying, “What I hate about sobriety is there’s no reward for beating your head against the wall.”
    It was an hour before sunset, and I could smell charcoal burning—Mack, Jeth, and the guides were preparing for the weekly shrimp roast. Tomlinson and Dunk had stopped to use the phone in the lab, and also to compare notes.
    I asked, “What’s the problem?”
    “Rachel says we might have the wrong carving. And she has to have
stones, not just one. Personally, I think she doesn’t want me to come back—afraid to die, in other words.”

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