
Bonded by Ria Candro Page A

Book: Bonded by Ria Candro Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ria Candro
Tags: Erótica
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she propelled herself into action.
    No more stalling, Inara. Time to go.
    No matter how much she wanted to stay.
    She forced her gaze from her old jet and looked back toward the main part of the ship, her heart so heavy it hurt to breathe.
    “Goodbye, my Spygian loves. May the gods ever shine upon you.”
    Her vision blurred, she strode to the control for the landing door. Generally the opening and closing of the door was handled in the control room, but there was an emergency override down here. One touch of the button would propel the jet toward the landing door. It would open to allow her jet exit and then slide shut immediately afterward.
    Only problem was that as soon as she pressed the button, it would sound a warning in the control room, most likely awakening her Spygians.
    Never mind. By the time they made it down here, she would be gone.
    Swallowing hard, she hit the override button. It made a loud beep and the ship’s monotone, computerized voice sounded out. “Attention crew, emergency override for the landing door has been activated. Attention crew, emergency override for the landing door has been activated…”
    That was her cue.
    She headed for the closest Spygian jet and slid the door panel open, hopping inside. One flip of a switch and the safety belt locked her into place, preparing for a potentially bumpy take-off.
    Oh gods, this was so hard. So freaking hard.
    Trying to ignore the heavy lump in her throat, she pressed the button to nudge the jet into action. It swiveled out of its dock, sliding toward the landing door ten meters away. She gripped the wheel, pressing her lips tight to swallow the foolish sob that longed to escape.
    Eight meters…seven…six.
    Goodbye, my loves.
    Five meters from the landing door, she caught the blur of motion beside the jet. A second later, Neichon jumped onto the platform. Her jaw dropping, she stared in shock for a moment. Almost too late, she slammed the brake button, and the jet came to a shrieking stop inches from his body.
    “What are you doing?” she screamed. “Are you crazy?”
    She’d almost killed him. If she hadn’t stopped, she would have run him over. Or the door would have opened, sending him spiraling out into space.
    He turned to face the door of the jet, his burnished gold eyes flaming like a pool of molten metal. Though the look in his eyes was totally frightening, she couldn’t get past the fact that he’d made it down here before she’d left. In fact, he’d even had time to put his loincloth back on.
    He gave her a hard glare through the shield before pressing the door panel button. The door slid open.
    “Get out,” he said, his voice tight.
    “How did you—”
    “ Out .”
    Oh gods, was he ever pissed. And could she blame him?
    Inara flipped the switch off and the safety belt released. Heart thumping against her ribs, she slid out of the jet. She forced herself to stand tall in front of Neichon, when his obvious anger made her want to cower before him.
    “Why, Inara? Why?”
    She winced at the stark pain in his tone. It struck her like a fist to the gut. She’d never wanted to cause him, or any of them, pain. The tears came back with a vengeance, and she cursed herself for it. “You don’t understand.”
    “Then tell us,” said a second voice.
    Inara turned toward the doors leading to the main part of the ship. Valeron, Reyu and Petros stood there, their bodies stiff and their expressions agonized.
    “Why do you wish to leave us so badly?” Valeron continued. “Do we not please you?”
    “No,” she cried out in denial. Wrapping her arms around her waist, she forced herself to calm. “No, it isn’t that at all. You please me. You all please me very much.”
    “Then what?” Reyu asked, stepping forward with his hands raised in supplication. “What’s so important that you would attempt to sneak out while we were insensible after the most incredible, fulfilling experience of our lives?”
    Her heart clenched.

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