Bondage Celebration
didn’t arrive an hour or so earlier!”

Chapter Five
    The rest of the afternoon just crawled. It didn’t help that her ass still stung. Every time she shifted her weight, she remembered their delicious time together. It messed with her mind. In some strange way, she relished the discomfort since it served as a poignant reminder of their time together.
    Laura hit the intercom, “Jessica, please let James know, I’ll be leaving shortly.” She’d adjusted to having a perpetual shadow at work. James tried his best to stay in the background as much as possible and she’d learned to stay in her office and let others come to her. It wasn’t her style of management, but she could live with it until Simson was out of the picture.
    “Yes, ma’am.”
    While Laura was sliding her laptop into her briefcase, she spotted the box Nick had sent her. Damn . She knew he’d spent a small fortune. She really needed to put it in the safe, or around her neck…
    James was waiting in the outer office. It was easy to tell Jessica had it bad for James, but from what Laura could see, James was keeping a professional distance.
    “Have a good night, Jessica. Don’t stay late. There’s nothing that can’t wait until tomorrow.” Jessica was such a trooper. No matter how many nights Laura stayed late, Jessica was right there beside her without a single complaint. If Laura was calling it a night, Jessica should too.
    “Yes, ma’am. I’m right behind you.”
    James and Laura walked in silence to the elevator. Once the doors closed, James began issuing his orders. “As we exit the building, I need you to stay within arm’s reach behind me. Once we enter the garage we won’t be stopping until we reach the car. If someone approaches you, I will wave them off. And before you give me trouble, I’ll give you the courtesy of explaining.”
    By his pointed glare Laura understood he expected a response. Other than kicking him in the ass, she drew a blank and settled for a quick flick of the wrist, a please proceed gesture.
    “Entering and exiting the building, you’re completely exposed. If Simson, or anyone else, chooses to come at you, anyone near you will be a target.”
    Laura gave James his due. He knew just the buttons to push to gain her cooperation. While James waited for her acceptance, she studied his face and smiled. It galled him to give her any explanation. Knowing she pissed him off gave her a deep feeling of satisfaction.
    The doors opened and she allowed him to go first. She stayed about a foot behind him, shaking her head at the ridiculousness.
    Before they passed the security point, James turned to face her. “We’re going to walk quickly. Can you walk fast in those shoes?”
    “Yes,” she answered between clenched teeth. Nick was getting an earful as soon as she got home.
    James turned and they quickly left the building. It looked odd to see the four door white sedan parked in her spot. As they crossed the driveway, Laura froze hearing a high pitched squeal to her left. Smoke coming from just beyond the sedan paralyzed her with fear. Her brain couldn’t process what was happening. Was there a fire? Laura reached for James as a black SUV emerged from the smoke. James used both hands to shove her toward a concrete pillar. Laura stumbled and slid on the uneven pavement. She landed hard, jarring her entire body, but the roar of the oncoming car triggered her flight response. She scrambled behind the pillar as a sickening thud sounded behind her.
    James’s shouted expletive was music to her ears. Laura thought he had to be hurt, but at least he was alive. With shaking hands she reached for her cell phone. Before she could draw it from her pocket, a small explosion had her dropping to the ground in an instinctive move to stay as small as possible.
    Laura felt debris fall all around her. Daring a look, she saw James on his stomach in the driveway with a pistol in his hand. The SUV, now missing its blacked-out rear window,

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