energetics of their pancreas when I’m testing in my office. I find pesticides frequently, and we deal with them homeopathically; we also use an instrument called
, which stimulates the healing process within the body.
SS: Yes, I have an ONDAMED machine, and I often tell my readers to encourage their doctors to purchase one. It is an amazing piece of equipment. I used it every day recently to heal faster from my stem cell breast surgery.
MG: The earth has a magnetic field and certain frequencies within it that allow us to live. By giving these kinds of frequencies to the body, it gets the body into a balanced state. ONDAMED uses pulsed electromagnetic frequencies to stimulate and balance energy flow within the body, so that is why I use it in my office. I also offer light therapies along with other therapies as well. It’s also important to eat organically, especially in today’s world, and to eat lightly late in the day and take pancreatic enzymes.
SS: I’m now getting it (finally) that drinking alcohol, eating late, and then flopping into bed (and we’ve all done it) is really, really bad for us.
MG: Correct. Diet sodas and too much alcohol will harm you. These things weaken the digestive system and ultimately the pancreas is affected, and then you are in trouble.
If you take pancreatic enzymes on an empty stomach before yougo to sleep, you are basically eating up the debris and allowing the liver to more easily detoxify the blood while you are sleeping. Taking pancreatic enzymes gives a huge advantage.
SS: And that is at the heart of Dr. Gonzalez’s program. He will love that you have said this. It’s very validating.
MG: Absolutely. I think he’s completely right on. All the cancer patients who come to see me have a weak pancreas, and digestive pancreatic enzymes are critical to take.
SS: And then making a serious attempt to be alkaline rather than acidic.
MG: The acidic environment is the foundation for all illness to develop. The more acidic you are and the more toxic you are, the weaker your liver is. As your hormonal system weakens, the cells wind up not being able to utilize energy and turn into cells that can only ferment sugar. Ultimately these become cancer cells. The first step to a healthy body is to be less acidic.
SS: So what you are saying is patients need to be the contractors and understand that nobody’s going to care more about them than themselves. Does it help you when a patient comes in informed?
MG: The art of being a doctor is meeting patients where they are, and taking them up slowly. Thanks to your books, patients come in understanding a lot, and what’s amazing is that patients come in having read your books and now they know they are going to get better. They have “a knowing.” It’s not even a question with them. Again, once you expect certain things are going to happen, they happen.
SS: Well, that’s how I feel. I utilize alternative medicine, and rarely ever, ever, have to access traditional medicine. I think you’ve given me a prescription once in the last decade.
You are very hopeful about the future relative to our health, aren’t you?
MG: Yes, I am. It’s not about the bad guys, the toxins out there. It’s not about trying to get rid of every little bad guy and trying to eat every food that’s perfectly grown. You can’t do it. But there’s so much in our arsenal to strengthen the body, to help the body get rid of toxins, to augment our body’s hormone production with natural hormones, to strengthen these glands and organs so that we can overcome just about anything. So I’m extremely hopeful. As we move into the future and start using stem cells with their ability to help regenerate cells, organs, and tissues, it becomes very exciting … So the future is looking great.
SS: I’m breathing a sigh of relief. Thanks,
H.F. Saint
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