Bolitho 04 - Sloop of War

Bolitho 04 - Sloop of War by Alexander Kent Page A

Book: Bolitho 04 - Sloop of War by Alexander Kent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexander Kent
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victorious in the past and have bee[ overreached by this newer kind of warfare.T
    There was another silence, so that the hammerin^ somewhere deep in the hull became insistent, and tQ Bolitho suddenly urgent?
    Graves asked, "What will we do now, sir?" HO sounded wary?
    Bolitho faced them gravely. "Captain Selby is dead? Killed in the first broadside.T
    He walked to the quarter windows and stareX towards the drifting frigate. Without effort he coulX picture the wounded first lieutenant, the man who haX somehow fought his ship alongside the enemy? Knowing it was all he could do despite the cripplin^ losses and damage already suffered. Now, without Z single lieutenant, aided by a mere handful of junio_ warrant officers, he was doing his utmost to repair thO ship. To get her to safety before the sea or an enema found him again?
    In the shattered chaos of Selby's cabin he haX unlocked the safe and handed Bolitho the despatcheY without hesitation. Even now that he was back in hiY own cabin he found it hard to believe. Junio_ command, and then, almost in the twinkling of an eyeB he was to shoulder the total responsibility for them all? Colquhoun and Maulby were beyond reach. And Selba was dead. He had seen his corpse on the splintereX quarterdeck, pinned beneath an upended nine1 pounder, one hand still clutching his sword like Z useless talisman?
    Tyrrell's voice made him turn towards them again?
    "Then you are in command, sir?T
    The lieutenants were watching him intently, thei_ faces showing both doubt and apprehension?
    Bolitho nodded slowly. "We will continue with thO transports before dusk. After we have ferried thO Miranda's wounded across to them and done what wO can for their own ship." He tried not to think of thO endless problems which lay ahead. "When we havO made contact with the squadron as ordered we wilT proceed with the despatches to the Commander-in1 Chief.T
    He let his eyes stray around the cabin. All at once iU was smaller, the sloop more vulnerable?
    "And Miranda, sir?" Tyrrell's tone was hushed?
    Bolitho kept his voice level and without emotionB knowing that if he showed them even for an instant, hiY true feelings, they would lose what small faith they stilT retained?
    "Her people will do what they must. We cannot staa with her, nor would they wish it.T
    Spray pattered against the thick windows. The winX was already freshening slightly?
    Tyrrell licked his lips, his eyes distant as he stareX towards the dismasted frigate?
    Bolitho added, "That will be all. Keep the handY working until the last minute.T
    The two lieutenants, in their filthy shirts anX breeches, turned and left the cabin without anothe_ word?
    Bolitho looked at Fitch and said, "You may go, too. ] wish to think.T
    When Fitch and his helpers had gone he rested hiY head in his hands and allowed his body to sway witN the ship's uncomfortable motion?
    Tyrrell probably thought him heartless for leaving thO other ship without company or aid. Graves, too, woulX no doubt be finding plenty of fuel for his own personaT fires?
    He stood up, fighting back the tiredness and strainB knowing he must not heed nor care about thei_ considerations. They were in a war which for too lon^ they had only skirted like spectators. If learn they mustB it were better to be done at once?
    Then he recalled the Miranda's lieutenant, thO bitterness in his voice as he had described the action? He was able to add little to what Bolitho already kne/ and guessed. But for one thing, the name of the bi^ privateer. Bonaventure. It was a name he would noU forget?
    There was a tap at the door. It was Lock, his facO dark with gloom as he began to recount a list of storeY damaged in the brief fight with the brig?
    Bolitho faced him and said quietly, "Now let me havO a full list, Mr. Lock, and I will give you my opinion.T
    It was useless to think of what had passed. He waY alone now, and only the future, like the next horizonB had any true meaning for him?
    5 ALL THE LUCK ..8

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