Blue Moon

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Book: Blue Moon by Isobel Bird Read Free Book Online
Authors: Isobel Bird
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hear me perform.”
    “I know you do,” said T.J. “But I don’t think we can agree on this. Not right now anyway.”
    “So you’re never coming to hear me?” Cooper asked angrily.
    “I didn’t say that,” T.J. said. “I just said I’m not sure this is the time for me to be there.”
    “This is my first big show,” Cooper said. “It means a lot to me. I can’t believe you won’t come.”
    T.J. sighed. “Let’s talk about this later,” he said. “It’s late and we both probably need to think things
    through some more before we can really talk.”
    Cooper wanted to slam the phone down. How could T.J. do this to her, especially after she’d made the
    gesture of apologizing? He’d had almost a week to think things through. Why did he need more time?
    She felt as if everything she’d ever thought about him had turned out to be wrong. If he couldn’t even
    support her in this, how could she count on him for anything else?
    “Yeah,” she said before hanging up. “I think I do have some thinking to do. I’ll let you know what I

    “It feels like I haven’t seen you in forever,” Tyler told Kate as they walked through the museum on
    Sunday afternoon. It was a weekend, but the museum wasn’t crowded; there were only a few other
    people wandering the halls besides the two of them. Outside, the sun was shining brightly, and most
    people seemed to have chosen to be out enjoying the nice weather. Even the security guards seemed to
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    have been lulled into a state of sleepiness by the gorgeous day, and they didn’t, as they usually did, eye
    Kate and Tyler, waiting for them to touch the paintings or make too much noise.
    Kate stopped in front of a portrait of a woman holding a small black-and-white dog. “Well, you’ve been
    working a lot with Thatcher and I’ve been working a lot with my mother,” she told her boyfriend. “There
    hasn’t been a lot of time for us to do anything.”
    “The coven didn’t even do a Lammas ritual this year because everyone has been so busy,” said Tyler.
    “We’re going to wait until everyone is back.”
    “I totally forgot about Lammas,” said Kate.
    Tyler laughed. “A lot of people do,” he said. “It’s a harvest festival, and now that most of us don’t have
    to worry about threshing wheat and bringing in the corn we tend to not be as aware of that one as we are
    of some of the others. But it’s still important to celebrate it as part of the Wheel of the Year. We’ll just
    do it a little later this year than we usually do.”
    “When was it?” Kate asked.
    “The first of August,” said Tyler.
    Kate thought for a moment. “That was last Monday,” she said. “Right after the blue moon. I wonder if
    that’s why Annie has been acting so weird. Maybe she was mad that first we couldn’t do the full moon
    ritual and then we forgot about Lammas. Not that she mentioned it or anything.”
    “Annie’s been acting weird?” asked Tyler.
    Kate sighed. “Remember how she ran out of the restaurant the night of Cooper’s reading?”
    Tyler nodded. “I thought she was just mad about the Coke thing,” he said.
    “That’s what we thought at first, too,” Kate replied. “But it’s gotten stranger. It’s like she’s become this
    totally different person. First she slapped Sherrie. Then she got this boyfriend.”
    “Annie has a boyfriend ?” said Tyler, clearly taken aback.
    “Yes,” Kate said. “I mean, we’re all happy for her and everything, but it’s just sort of weird that it
    happened so suddenly.”
    Tyler was chuckling. “Annie has a boyfriend,” he kept repeating. “Imagine that.”
    “First Cooper and now Annie,” Tyler said. “I think you started a chain reaction.”
    “Well, we’re not exactly sure Cooper and T.J. are still an item,” Kate informed him.
    “Why?” asked Tyler. “What happened?”
    Kate moved on to another

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