Blue Heart Blessed

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Book: Blue Heart Blessed by Susan Meissner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Meissner
Tags: Romance, Inspirational, wedding dress, wedding
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came away from that lovely experience with the knowledge that I’ve all the appeal of soured milk.
    I was able to make things right with my mother, though. That felt pretty good. And I guess knowing I’m a pitiful sourpuss is better than thinking I’m a pretty amiable person and what-the-heck’s-wrong-with-everybody-else when it’s really me who has problems.
    I asked Father Laurent to help me kill the monster inside me. I found him in the chapel this morning and I begged to help me out. He did the most amazing thing. He pulled one of my little blue hearts out of his pocket, blessed it and gave it to me. He told me to keep it close to my heart so that I wouldn’t ever forget that today had been a turning point for me.
    I’ve no idea why he had one of those hearts in his pants pocket. None at all. Maybe he misses his wife like I miss Daniel and having it comforts him.
    Actually I am learning it’s not Daniel I miss. It’s the euphoria of being in love that I grieve for.
    Which brings me to what happened a little while after Father Laurent gave me the heart. Max was supposed to take Father Laurent and Liam to the airport to pick up Liam’s dad, but he forgot and I took them instead. So I got to meet Ramsey Laurent. I knew a little about him from the conversations I’ve had with Father and Liam and of course, there’s that whole nasty thing the Horn Blower did to him. For some reason I pictured him looking like Father Laurent’s wife, whose picture I’ve seen in Father’s living room. But the guy looks just like his dad. But then he also doesn’t look like him. It’s the weirdest thing.
    He sat in the front seat of my car while I drove him and Father and Liam to get his own vehicle from a friend’s house. I caught him looking at me several times.
    I wish I knew what Father Laurent has told him about me.
    Maybe he hasn’t told him anything. Maybe he’s never mentioned me at all.
    If you ask me, I think he spends far too much time away from home. I don’t think Liam particularly likes his new stepdad. And Ramsey lives too far away for Liam to live at both houses.
    And what’s with that? Why did the guy relocate to Duluth when his marriage ended? Leaving his kid with no choice but to stay in Minneapolis with his mother and the man who came between his parents?
    I don’t get it.
    Couldn’t get a hold of Shelby today. She may call later tonight. Do you suppose she went out with this Eric guy two nights in a row?
    I’m watching Sweet Home Alabama. The dress Reese Witherspoon wears in the almost-wedding scene is fairly understated but that’s why it works. Besides she was about to marry the wrong guy anyway.
    Dear Daisy,
    You are not an Eeyore. Eeyore was gloomy, not bitter. And being bitter is definitely worse than being gloomy. A gloomy person can be cheered. A bitter person can only be made un-bitter if they choose it. And there’s not a whole lot anyone can do about it if they don’t.
    Sounds like you’ve made a good choice. I would imagine coming out from under bitterness might take awhile. Like losing a few pounds compares with getting a haircut. Both make you look different but one takes a lot longer than the other.
    Who knows why Father Laurent had a little blue heart in his pocket? Yes, it does seem a little strange, but you may be right. Maybe he, like you, believes in the power of symbol to soothe.
    And that thing with Ramsey Laurent and his son? You don’t get it because it’s not yours to get. MYOB.
    Of course it’s possible Shelby went out with Eric again. An un-bitter person would be happy for her if she did.
    Love the fit on the Sweet Home Alabama almost-wedding dress.
    Doesn’t that movie have a happily-ever after ending?

    I’ m waiting on the bottom step for Mom and L’Raine. They insist on riding with me to church this morning so that we can go out for brunch afterward. For once I am ready before they are.
    There is quiet movement on the stairs behind me and I turn

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