Blue Clouds

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Book: Blue Clouds by Patricia Rice Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia Rice
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have been even better if you had just killed yourself!”
    Agony ! He writhed in semiconscious pain, fighting off this nightmare. If he could just scream, maybe it would go away. But he couldn’t. He had to get up, had to run to Chad’s room, check that he breathed, as he had a dozen times a night since his son was born.
    He had to touch that cherished little face with its serious expression, the dark brows all drawn down in deep baby thoughts. He would tuck the covers over the rounded posterior hunched up with knees drawn under. He’d never understood how the child could sleep like that, but Chad had since he’d learned the trick of rolling over. The doctors had said babies should sleep on their backs, and he’d turned him over countless times during the night. But Chad determinedly returned to his favorite position until Seth couldn’t bear disturbing him again.
    He would go to Chad’s room, see that he slept soundly, that his favorite teddy awaited his waking, that he didn’t get cold from the drafts in that spacious, elegantly decorated emptiness his wife called a nursery.
    â€œDamn you, Seth, I hate you. I despise you, do you hear me? You’ve destroyed my life, destroyed your son, destroyed everything you’ve ever touched. You deserve to die. I’m taking everything, do you understand? I’ll take everything. No judge in the world will deny me. Do everyone a favor, including yourself; give up and die.”
    The black clouds swept back again, obscuring little more than the sound of heels tap-tapping to the door. He could move his arm now. He could feel the pain of the needle piercing it. He wanted to jerk the needle out, get rid of this one irritating source of pain. Yet the pinprick in his arm scarcely compared to the agony in his heart.
    The voice lied. Surely it lied. His son slept soundly in his crib, where he belonged. He’d checked on him carefully, watched over him every minute. Nothing could happen to Chad. He wouldn’t let it.
    Despair choked a cry from him when he couldn’t move his feet out of the bed so he could look one more time. He must see Chad. His son had just taken his first baby steps... when? Yesterday...
    The piercing agony shot through him so surely, Seth woke.
    Sitting up, he wiped sweat from his dripping brow. His head pounded and his arm throbbed just as it had that night over five years ago.
    The nightmare wouldn’t go away. He couldn’t remember it now any more than any of the other times he’d woken in pain, straining at invisible bonds. But the bleakness and despair lingered for days.
    He turned and checked the infant monitor beside the bed to make certain it worked. Turning up the volume, he could hear Chad’s labored breathing. He didn’t have to go in there and bother his son. The boy was fine. He just had a cold.
    But Seth couldn’t rest easy until he made sure.
    Steadying his shaking nerves, Seth grabbed a robe and padded barefoot through the darkness in the direction of his son’s room.
    Snarling at the morning light streaming through the foyer windows as it hit his sleep-deprived eyes, Seth halted in mid- stride at the tableau in the foyer below him.
    â€œWhere the hell do you think you’re going?” From the loft, he noted his capricious assistant in jeans and what vaguely resembled a pirate’s billowing white shirt. Through the floor-to-ceiling window, he could see Chad and Doug waiting on the drive. “I didn’t give you permission to go anywhere.”
    â€œYou signed a parental permission form for a new doctor just the other day,” she reminded him. “I wangled an immediate appointment with one in L.A. We’ll be late if we don’t go now.”
    Stunned, Seth glanced from Pippa to his son sitting in the sunshine outside. Chad had never gone anywhere without him. Never. This beastly little elf was beyond presumptuous. He could strangle her. He needed

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