Blood of Egypt (Witch Fairy Book 8)

Blood of Egypt (Witch Fairy Book 8) by Bonnie Lamer Page B

Book: Blood of Egypt (Witch Fairy Book 8) by Bonnie Lamer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bonnie Lamer
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with Jacqueline right behind us.
    The garden is beautiful.  I’m assuming many of the flowers are native to Africa because the only ones I recognize are the roses, which are all white and perfect.  There are more beautiful flowers everywhere in shades of white, purple and blue set against a background of green leaves, stems and vines.
    The gazebo is not very large so there isn’t room for all of us to crowd in.  Everyone else stands outside, leaning in to watch Kallen set up the items I will need for the spell.  He carefully places the blue candles so they are positioned in the North, East, South and West directions.  Eliana places the porcelain bowl that she found in the center of the gazebo and I sit down in front of it.  When everything is set, Kallen hands me the paper he wrote the spell on.
    I read the spell over in my mind again before I start.  Kallen emphasizes again how powerful this spell will be and how precisely it needs to be performed.  So now, of course, I am really nervous.  I close my eyes and take a few calming breaths before I begin.  Opening my eyes, I’m ready to begin the spell.  I reach for the gold candle and place it in the porcelain bowl.  I take a pinch of blue orris, a pinch of ground corn, several leaves from a willow tree, a tiny bit of St. John’s wort, and some pansy petals and place them in the bowl around the candle.  How does Kallen remember the ingredients to all these spells that he can’t even perform?  He’s told me before that Fairies like to be knowledgeable of the magic of other beings, but he must have a photographic memory or something because I would never remember all of this.
    I light the gold candle and begin to speak, “From these gifts of the goddess and with her sanction, I seek the power of divination.  Heart pure, intentions sincere, let me see now what is unclear.  My desire confessed of knowledge suppressed to be harnessed by the psychic power of the flax and bound together with Golden wax.”
    I pick up the Golden candle and raise it over my head.  I’m supposed to light it with magic, but Kallen and I agreed that it would probably be best if I did not do that; we don’t want the whole garden to start on fire.  So Eliana offered her assistance with this. The wick of the candle ignites and I keep it raised above me for a moment until I’m sure that some wax has melted, and then I bring it back down to the bowl and dribble wax onto the mixture I’ve placed inside it.
    Next, I take garlic and peel away individual cloves until I have six of them and place those in the bowl.  Picking up a pinecone from a larch tree, I do my best to crush it in my hand and let the pieces fall into the bowl.  I take a leaf from an Aspen tree, hold it above the bowl and let it gently flitter down.  How in the world did Jacqueline find this stuff in Cairo in an hour?  She’s amazing.  I suppose that’s why Agent Amman has her working for him.
    The last ingredient I put into the bowl is the lock of hair from agent Amman’s daughter. “Taken before its natural time, return to me what is mine.  With its absence my heart stolen, my spirit darkened, my soul blackened.  Unforgivable is this theft which has left my spirit, my soul, my heart bereft.”  I drop the Golden candle back into the bowl being careful not to extinguish the flame, which starts pieces of the pinecone and leaves on fire, safely contained inside the bowl.
    I’m going to need Eliana’s help with this next part as well, again so that I don’t start the entire garden on fire. “Our sacred spell crafted, our quest untainted,” obviously this spell was written for several Witches to perform, especially at the end when the magic is needed.  Kallen didn’t change the words so I guess I’m using the ‘Royal we’ as I perform it.  “Our magic now we do send forth, to the East, to the West, to the South, to the North.” As I say each direction, Eliana lights

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