Blood Moon

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Book: Blood Moon by T. Lynne Tolles Read Free Book Online
Authors: T. Lynne Tolles
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round the house as Devon got to the back door; she seemed to be saying something softly to herself. As she went around the corner, his sight of her was obstructed for half a second. In that half a second it took for him to turn the same corner, she had vanished.   He could hear her at first, finishing whatever she had been saying, but it was faint as if she knew he was a vampire and she was doing her best to hide the sound along with herself.   He tried to sniff her out, but she was concealing that too.   She had obviously come across vampires or werewolves in her travels because she knew just what to do to hide. When he realized he was not going to find her with his senses, he turned on his heels and went back into the house.  
    While he walked back he looked at the necklace he still had tight in his fist.   It looked like some kind of family crest.   He’d never seen it before, but maybe Darby had. He locked up the house again and went back in the bedroom to find Harry and Darby hadn’t moved one inch in all the commotion.   He tried to rouse Darby and she did wake up but she was very drowsy and fell right back to sleep.   He figured the woman must have been the same woman who had put that spell on his brother, and now had put some kind of sleeping spell on Darby and Harry.   The spell must have been meant for the whole household; that would explain why she had been so surprised to see him.   He must have walked in the house after the spell had been cast and therefore it didn’t affect him. That too, must have been why she walked into the bedroom without even looking at the bed to see if anyone was there; she was sure that whoever was there was fast asleep.   But what was she after?  
    He thought for a moment, looking around the room.   He remembered when she came into the bedroom she seemed to be focused on something, something in or on the dresser. That’s when it hit him. She was after the book.   Hadn’t Darby told him a story about a family she had read about in a diary, who had something taken away from them by Darby’s family to protect the town?
    Well he certainly wasn’t going to get any information out of Darby tonight.   He grabbed the book and took it next door and put it in the wall safe in which he and his brother stashed emergency cash.   He doubted the woman would be back tonight, but if she did return, at least the book wouldn’t be right where she’d left it.   He’d fill Darby in on the events of the evening in the morning. He checked the doors again, not that locking them had prevented the woman from entering, but he did it anyways.   Maybe Darby could set up some kind of ward that would not allow the tampering of the lock by magical means. He headed back to the bedroom and lay there for a long time before he fell asleep.   The adrenaline of the event made it hard to relax, but eventually he did.

    Chapter 13

    Hayley Jones was renting a summer cottage in Ben Lomond while she worked on her thesis.   She thought if she could get away from home and focus just on her thesis surrounded by the lovely ancient redwoods, that she could get her paper at least almost complete before the fall.  
    She worked all day in the tiny two-room cottage on her computer and walked in the redwoods along a creek near the cottage that she loved to frequent in the evening.
    Feeling pretty pleased with herself after getting quite a few pages completed on her paper, she decided it was break time.   Time to go take her walk along the creek.   It was a little darker out than when she usually walked, but she had been there a million times now and felt confident. She got to her favorite spot and sat on the same mossy wood log she always sat on near a gigantic boulder that stood taller than her.   She sat and watched the beautiful clear water trickle down the creek carrying little leaves here and there, when something came up behind her and everything went black.

    Darby woke up with

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