Blood Legacy (PULSE Vampire Series #6)

Blood Legacy (PULSE Vampire Series #6) by Kailin Gow Page A

Book: Blood Legacy (PULSE Vampire Series #6) by Kailin Gow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kailin Gow
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knew that Octavius’ instincts were to stake Justin as quickly as possible – nevertheless, he was willing to do as she wished.
    “You might not need to go that far,” said Max. “I felt something earlier today – there’s the smell of Life’s Blood in the air here. Don’t go too quickly.” She too began dressing, putting on her warmest furs. “I’ll show you where,” she said to Octavius.
    “You’re the boss,” Octavius bowed deeply to Max, giving Kalina a little sly wink as he did so. Kalina couldn’t help but smile. Even now, Octavius was trying to appease her.
    Max took hold of Kalina’s hands. “I’ll leave you with Stuart,” she said. “You’re in good hands here. He told me what happened with the two of you. You made the right choice, Kalina. You didn’t let your blood make that decision for you. I’m proud of you. Perhaps he is the wrong one. Or perhaps he is the right one – and you aren’t ready for any right ones yet. Whatever the reason, you should wait until you find yourself ready to choose.” She let a smile spread over her face. “You and I are alike, Kalina. I found myself in a similar position with your father. But in the end…”
    “Things worked out?”
    Max said nothing. Kalina wondered what had really happened to her father, a topic on which Max had always been so coy. But Stuart interrupted her before she could ask further.
    “Where are you going?” Kalina asked, noticing Stuart’s jacket.
    “I’m coming with you all,” said Stuart. “I know it’s risky – but I’m willing to risk my life. I’d rather die a noble human than live for centuries as a vampire. I’ve turned – and that turning was a miracle. But with this saved and blessed human life, I want to make the most of the time I have left: I want to do something good to make up for all the bad I have done.” He took Kalina’s hand. “I need to find these kids – and help you do it. Or else, what’s worth living for?”
    Kalina smiled right back at Stuart. How noble he was – how brave! Even now he was willing to risk his very humanity in order to do the right thing. His enormous piercing eyes stared into hers, and she could see the goodness in them. Stuart was special, she knew; Stuart had something that Octavius and Jaegar lacked. A true humanity. Stuart's nobility ran through him like blood – permeating all parts of him – transforming his beautiful but all-too-human frame into something more than human. Kalina knew that Stuart wouldn't be able to fight as he was once able to; this gift that she had given him was in that sense also a curse. Kalina sighed as she pressed his hands to her lips. She tasted the warm blush of his skin, and as her lips met his knuckles she had to force herself to look back up at him before the desire to sink her teeth into his flesh overtook her. Octavius’ blood was wearing off, she knew, and as Life's Blood began to pulse once more through her veins Kalina began to feel that same old attraction she had felt towards Stuart – an attraction so strong that it even compelled her to put Justin's life in danger, to leave the dining room and take Stuart up to the suite, a desire that demanded instant satisfaction for the longing she felt all through her body.
    Stuart seemed to notice the change in her eyes. “What is it, my sweet?” he asked her softly. He knew, Kalina realized, he could tell how much she wanted him still. No, she told herself, it wasn't safe to remain alone with him – not for her, and not for Stuart either. If she was left alone with Stuart, she would either succumb to her desire to be with him or her desire to consume him, and neither of them would be of any help to Justin or the Carriers. Kalina swallowed down her hunger. If all this worked out, she told herself, if they survived and were able to save Justin and the Carriers, she'd need to find a cure for this savage hunger that overtook her at the slightest

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