Blood Brothers

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Book: Blood Brothers by Josephine Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Josephine Cox
Pauline arrange my wedding day.’ That thought gave her little consolation, but if she had complained and been difficult about it, the consequences would no doubt have been uncomfortable.
    ‘Tom was right,’ she declared bitterly. ‘She should not be choosing my bouquet. It was a selfish thing to do.’
    A thought occurred to her. ‘Mother likes to control my life, but I’ve always thought how strange it was, that she never tried to dissuade me from seeing Frank. When I told her I had a boyfriend, she was really pleased. Then, when Frank asked me to marry him, I was sure Mother would hit the roof, but she never did. Not once did she argue about it, or try to put me off. Not even when she discovered he was a farmer’s son, and not a wealthy property owner, or a businessman.’
    She gave a low, cynical laugh. ‘She wouldn’t care who I was marrying, as long as I was out of her way. I’m glad Frank asked me to marry him! He’s a good man. Oh, but if it had been Pauline and not me, who was marrying anyone less than an old money-bags, she’d have thrown a fit.
    ‘It just goes to show that she wants rid of me, even if it means handing me over to someone she believes is beneath her,’ Alice thought uncomfortably.
    Alice had never really thought about it before, but it was strange how her mother let her choose her own husband to be, while she set about making all the decisions with regard to the wedding.
    Her mother had completely taken over the wedding day arangements. She even insisted that Alice changed the dress, because she said it did nothing for her at all, while everyone else thought it was beautiful. Then the bouquet was chosen without her even asking if Alice liked it. And she carried on when Alice wanted two bridesmaids, Pauline and Alice’s old school friend Mandy Baker.
    She mimicked her mother’s sharp, shrill voice. ‘“You’re a selfish girl, Alice Jacobs! The wedding is already costing us a fortune! Think yourself fortunate that you’ve got your sister Pauline as bridesmaid. Now let that be an end to it!”’
    Alice had to explain to Mandy, how she could not be bridesmaid after all. ‘It must be my fault,’ she chided herself now. ‘Somewhere along the way, I’ve allowed it to happen. It’s always been the same; Mother speaks and I listen. Mother chooses and I agree. Mother disapproves, and the idea is eventually dropped; unless of course, it’s Pauline with the idea.’
    She grew angry. ‘It’s time I stood up to her, like Pauline does!’
    She gave a wry little smile. ‘I’ve always known I was the unwelcome child. The accident that should never have happened.’
    Regret tinged her voice. ‘I’ve always tried too hard to please her, to make her love me, like she loves Pauline.’ Her voice broke. ‘I wish I could handle Mother like Pauline does, but then, I don’t enjoy arguing. Pauline seems to thrive on it, which is not surprising, seeing as Pauline is Mother in the making.’
    Silent for a time, she drew pleasure from watching this wild creature; encaged much like she had been all her life. ‘Areyou frustrated…locked up in that cage?’ she whispered. ‘I expect you want to spread your wings and fly away.’ Her love of animals embraced all creatures, which was why she found working at the vets to be especially rewarding.
    Curious, the bird cocked its head from side to side, as though taking in her every word.
    ‘You’re the lucky one,’ Alice told him. ‘When Joe lets you out of here, you can soar up to the Heavens, free as the air that carries you.’ She continued to stroke his neck and face tenderly.
    ‘We’re a lonely pair you and me, aren’t we, eh?’ she remarked. ‘You and me in the dead of night, all alone in this dark old barn.’ She gave a laugh. ‘I hope you realise I should not be out here, cavorting with a strange male,’ she tutted. ‘I’ll have you know, I’m getting married on Saturday.’
    There followed a long silence, and Alice contemplated

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