Blood Blade Sisters Series
you? Maybe he works for Frank and is just setting you up. You ever thought about that?”
    “Yeah, I have. But Bobby has given us reliable information before. And besides, he’s sweet on Lucy,” Cilla said, gesturing at her sister. They both ignored Lucy’s embarrassed protest.
    “Bobby found out where Lurkett was headed. And Blood Blade rides again.”
    “Priscilla…you can’t keep…”
    “I can’t keep what?” she said, anger extinguishing the butterflies that had been running rampant just moments before. If he pulled some king-of-the-cattle-ranch horse shit about how it was too dangerous for the little woman to be out running raids, she’d skewer him through the gullet. She’d probably been out pulling jobs before he’d learned to shave. She didn’t need him telling her what to do.
    Leo reached out and wrapped his hands around her arms, pulling her to him. He leaned in. Close. Too close for Cilla’s comfort. Though she couldn’t quite muster the strength to push him away.
    “What if something happens to you?” he whispered. “What would happen to your sisters then? Brynne would be alone with her child. Lucy is little more than a child herself. If you keep putting yourself in danger…”
    He didn’t finish his sentence. He didn’t need to. It was something Cilla had thought about a hundred times. A million times. And it was something she couldn’t afford to think of now. She needed her head firmly on her shoulders, not lost in a terrifying cloud of what-ifs.
    Leo held her gaze. She became more aware of her surroundings, and the fact that she was still pressed against Leo’s chest. The warmth melting into her bones was transforming into sharp tingles. She pushed away from him. “If you’ll excuse us, we have work to do.”
    Leo tightened his grip before she could turn away. “Wait.”
    “What? I haven’t got all night.”
    He took a deep breath, his eyes burning into hers. Then he gave a little nod, as if he had decided on something. “I’ll help you.”
    She stared at him. “What do you mean?”
    “I mean there are three men down there and there are only two of you. And you are…”
    Cilla waited for him to spew some nonsense about how she was a weak little woman who needed a man to do everything for her.
    He gave her a small smile. “…Outnumbered and exhausted. You’ve hardly slept for more than a few hours in the last…well, since I’ve met you. Let me help. It’ll be safer for Lucy.”
    “What’dya mean, safer for me? I don’t need any babysitting,” Lucy piped up from her corner.
    Cilla gazed at her baby sister. Leo had used the one argument that was guaranteed to sway her. For Lucy, she’d accept his help. But she didn’t have to like it. She turned back to Leo. “Fine. Just follow me and don’t get in my way.”
    Leo nodded, though he still didn’t look like he was happy with the situation. Tough. He was lucky she was letting him go along at all.
    Together, they crept toward the campsite. When they got closer, they spread out, staying within the cover of the trees. Cilla tried to ignore the nausea building in her gut. Lucy thought their raids were adventurous and exciting. But Cilla hated every minute. There was too much at stake if they were caught. But so much to gain when they succeeded.
    Lucy circled around to the opposite side of the campfire, her movements mirroring Cilla’s. Cilla caught Leo’s gaze and nodded at the third man. Leo frowned but took up his position.
    One of the men groaned and they froze, still invisible in the tree line. The man grunted, scratched himself, and rolled over. Cilla inched toward the man who was sleeping on his saddlebag, the leather clutched in his fists. He looked like someone with something to protect.
    Cilla looked up at Lucy, who nodded as she unwound a length of rope from around her waist. Cilla grabbed some rope out of the bag at her side and flung it to Leo, pointing at the man nearest him. She unwound the rope from her

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