Blood and Clay

Blood and Clay by Dulcinea Norton-Smith Page A

Book: Blood and Clay by Dulcinea Norton-Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dulcinea Norton-Smith
so that my lips pressed hard against my teeth until
I opened my mouth, not knowing why, just feeling it was the right thing to do.
My nerves tingled all over my body. My heart beat too fast and not in its usual
pattern, making me feel delirious and sick. Then it was over and Gabe pulled
away from me.

    “ Sorry Lizzie. ” He gasped. “ Dear God I ’ m sorry. ”

heart dropped again. I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. Of course
it was all a mistake.

    “ No, I ’ m sorry, I won ’ t tell anyone. Your girl won ’ t find out, the one that you are
courting. I ’ m so sorry Gabe. I ’ m dragging you into this whole
jumbled mess. Just get off back to the village. I ’ m sorry. ”

    “ What? What are you talking about? ” Gabe looked puzzled and amused at my
speech. “ Are you so befuddled by your damned family that you can ’ t see past the end of your nose?
Lizzie, the girl I have been courting is you. Am I so bad at it that you don ’ t even realise? ”  

    “ Don ’ t tease Gabe. I ’ m not tough enough to be teased
today. ”

laughed a big guffaw. “ Lizzie I ’ m not teasing. I ’ m not sorry I kissed you, you fool. I
am just sorry that I did it when you were so sad. The last thing I wanted was
to take advantage of you. ”

if to prove it Gabe kissed me again and this time it lasted a lot longer. When
we finally stopped I knew that he wasn ’ t teasing.

stayed in the clearing for the rest of the afternoon, kissing and talking,
talking and kissing, until the midges started to bite then we packed our food
away, ready to leave.

    “ What am I going to do about Mr Law? ” We were walking back to the river,
the horse following behind, and I was snuggled into the crook of Gabe ’ s arm. It felt so normal and natural,
not something new but something that was meant to be.

    “ It weren ’ t your fault. You can ’ t think it was, but he does so I
suppose you had better apologise. Maybe then you can forget about it. ”

    “ Will you come with me? ”

    “ Aye my Lizzie, I will. I am free from the farm for a day at
week end. I will meet with you at Beggar ’ s Bend and we will go from there. ”

had reached the point of the river where we had met just that morning, though
it seemed an age ago. Gabe kissed me then made his way back across the river. I
looked back to Malkin Tower to check that no-one had seen us. The barn was dark
and no-one was in sight. By the time I looked back Gabe had mounted the horse and
was riding into the distance.

Chapter Fourteen

    “ Lizzie get yourself in here! ”

wasn ’ t often that Gran raised her voice. She didn ’ t usually need to; her malicious
tones caused a far greater fear in those that heard it than the loudest shout
ever could. The very fact that Gran had raised her voice made my blood run cold
and I shot a nervous look at Nettie before leaving the bedroom to go to the
living area of Malkin Tower.

    “ Ah Lizzie ” said Gran as I entered. Gran and Mam were sitting by the
smouldering fire with matching grins. The familiar feeling of dread built in my

    “ Welcome to the coven daughter ” said Mam. ” You ’ ve come good after all. You're one of
us now. ”

    “ Aye and the power we will have now; the power of three. Old
Chattox won ’ t be nothing compared to us. Pendle will be ours. ” said Gran as she rubbed her hands

    “ No more healing of animals and sick kiddies eh Mam? Real
power now, real power. Better than that Chattox and her bitch daughter with her
barren womb. There'll be no power of three ever settling there. ” Said Mam, her eyes swivelling in
their sockets.

stood quietly as I wondered what they were talking about, then my confusion
turned into of terror and I began to shake my head as realization dawned on me.
As my feelings registered on my face Gran sneered, her wrinkled old face

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