Blood and Bondage

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Book: Blood and Bondage by Annalynne Russo Read Free Book Online
Authors: Annalynne Russo
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surprised after what we
witnessed before.”
sported a wide, school girl grin.
    Sienna shot her sister an irritated scowl, the
shoved her to the side with a slight push of the hand. It was clear,
had a case of
diarrhea of the mouth and it annoyed the hell out of her twin.
    “Let me apologize for my sister’s insensitivity.
She’s a reporter. She’s used to cutting straight to the chase. The Tunnel of
Torture is one of three private rooms tucked into the back of the club. We’ve
never been inside. But if the rumors are true, some hard core masochistic shit
goes down within those four walls.”
    “Really?” Again, Oliver was full of surprises.
His ingenuity never ceased to amaze her. “Okay, well it appears I might be tied
up for the next few hours. If I don’t see you gals later, it was nice meeting
you both.”
    “Nice to meet you too, sweetie. I’m sure we’ll
see each other again soon.” Both women approached her. They wrapped their arms hesitantly
around her shoulders in an awkward sort of embrace. Anaïs’s body stiffened, not
prepared for the unsolicited contact perpetuated by the hug. Nonetheless, she
smiled and patted each woman on the head before they moved toward the door.
    Upon exiting the restroom, the twins turned
right and disappeared back into the crowd. Anaïs went left into the dark
recesses of the club. At the end of a long, windy hallway, three doors stood
side by side. The one in the middle had the words Tunnel of Torture etched with
gold leaf in the center. Above the door knob, there was a keypad. A series of
digits needed to be entered in order to gain access to the room. Luckily,
Oliver had included the secret code in his text.
    Anaïs punched in the numbers and heard the lock
click. She shoved open the door, which expanded into a small waiting room. A
table and chair had been set against the wall. Walking toward the table, she
noticed a piece of stationery placed on the edge. She picked up the page and
read the typed message.
    Welcome to the Tunnel of Love.
    Go inside. Then slip on the blindfold and chain
yourself up.
    I’ll be there soon.
    On the far side of the room, there was another
door. This one had been forged with solid, reinforced steel. If her theory
proved true, it’d be sound proof too. Her hands pushed against the heavy metal,
slowly forcing the door ajar until she could slide through the crevice she’d
    Once inside, Anaïs had to duck down and almost
crawl through the low-lying rock that served as a makeshift ceiling. It was made
of what appeared to be red desert rock, with shards of cone-shaped stalactites that
hung from above. Soon the tunnel unfurled into a spacious, torch lit cavern. Whips
and chains of all shapes and sizes dangled from hooks chiseled into the stone. A
twelve foot by fifteen foot wire cage sat in its center, with what appeared to
be an archaic guillotine perched inside it on the floor.
    Her pussy clenched at the thought of what Oliver
would do to her, chained to the contraption with her thighs spread wide. Thinking
about it made her loins burn with the anticipation of his greedy, demanding
    Anaïs straightened her posture. Then she unpeeled
the cat suit plastered to her skin and hurled it to the ground. She wore
nothing at all underneath, and the cool temperature in the room caused her
flesh to form goose bumps, including on the tips of her breasts.
    As Anaïs moved within arm’s distance of the
cage, she saw a swath of red silk material fastened to its barbed wire entrance.
She untied the soft cloth and carried it with her inside, spying the guillotine
up close. It was made of deep, rich mahogany. Two curved pieces of wood had
been set at eye level, crafted to cradle a human’s delicate head. Above that, a
sharp blade was kept suspended in midair with the help of a heavy weight and
pulley system.
    With this monstrous apparatus, Oliver could definitely
wear me out.
    Anaïs stepped up to the guillotine and

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