Blink: 1 (Rebel Minds)

Blink: 1 (Rebel Minds) by C.B. Stone Page B

Book: Blink: 1 (Rebel Minds) by C.B. Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.B. Stone
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raising more goosebumps across my skin. “Wanna get out of here?”
    I’m caught off guard. My forehead crinkles, my lips turning down in a slight frown. Was I wrong about him? Was the freedom and ease I felt talking to him mere infatuation?
    “Hey,” he pulls back. He tilts my face up toward his with a gentle hand, “I won’t hurt you.”
    The words seem strange, yet somewhere in the back of my mind they are so very right. They resonate inside me and spread warmth throughout my limbs.
    I swallow hard and nod. “Let’s go.”

Chapter 5
    M y second set is forgotten , and we rush out of the dive bar hand in hand. Which somehow, doesn’t feel weird to me at all. It’s like my hand is made just for his. The night is colder than I expected for late summer and when Wisdom notices me shiver, he takes off his jacket, draping it across my shoulders. I offer a smile of thanks, and promptly trip thanks to my stupid wedges. Wisdom catches me, keeping me from falling.
    I gasp, tumbling against him, and he draws me closer. I stare up into his eyes, caught by his gaze. He feels warm and hard against me, his spicy, clean, somewhat smoky, scent filling my nose. Before I can think twice, under the surveillance of the stars in the dark night sky, his head dips and his lips find mine. My breath hitches at the unexpected contact, but I don’t pull away. Instinctively, I know it’s right. So right. Even though I can’t explain it. Don’t want to explain it.
    Instead, I press closer, wanting to fill the same space as him. I’d crawl inside of him if I could. He hugs me tighter, as if wanting the very same thing. The kiss deepens, and my stomach flip-flops. I’ve never connected like this with anyone before. Ever. It’s surreal.
    After what feels like an eternity and a second, we part, both of us breathing a little faster than before. We stare at each for a few seconds. His lips curve and his teeth flash as he brushes a strand of hair from my face.
    “Wanna get something to eat?”
    I bust out laughing at the abrupt change in direction. How very… guy-like. “Sure, why not.” I grin. I know it’s crazy, but I think I’d agree to anything he says at this point.
    We start to walk down the street. My hand in his left one and my shoes dangling from his right. It’s the perfect night. Our hips bump as we walk, and we crack jokes about how irresponsible this is. I’ve just walked out on a paying gig—something I never do—and he’s supposed to be somewhere. None of that matters though.
    We stop for Chinese takeout and wander through the park, eating out of the cartons, and talking up a storm. We stop once to toss bits of our stale fortune cookies to the ducks. I smile at the way they snap up the unexpected bounty. Wisdom watches me, a smile tugging at his lips. He pulls me close and kisses the top of my head.
    “What’s one thing you wish, Aria?”
    My stomach does a little flip-flop. I like how he says my name. It rolls off his tongue like he’s always known it. Then his question registers.
    “I wish I could go to the mountains.” It pops out of my mouth before I can filter this stupid statement with something more dreamy and romantic. I wince inside. Nice one, Aria.
    “Really?” He glances down at me, a curious look on his face.
    I flush and chew my lip, lifting a shoulder in a tiny shrug. “Really.”
    He stares at me for a few seconds. His thumb brushes over my chin, gently easing my lip free. My skin tingles with warmth everywhere he touches. “Then we’ll go to the mountains.” His intense expression changes to one of humor, his eyes dancing.
    My own widen. “You mean now?”
    He grins, those white teeth flashing. “Sure, why not?”
    I’m not usually so impulsive, but tonight seems to be a record of new behaviors. And something about the way he says it convinces me it’s not crazy. Not even a little. Okay, perhaps a little. But I’m strangely okay with it.

Chapter 6
    L ike a whirlwind we are back at my

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