Blind Seduction

Blind Seduction by T Hammond Page B

Book: Blind Seduction by T Hammond Read Free Book Online
Authors: T Hammond
Tags: talking dog, team bas, team red
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    “You're hiding again,” Bas pointed out in amusement,
rather than annoyance this time.
    “Yes, yes I am. And, blindness aside, I will probably
never look you in the face again as long as I live.” I inhaled a
large gulp of air, but the added oxygen to my brain did not help at
    “When I think of the stuff I said in those thirty
minutes, I am simply mortified, Bas. It was bad enough I babbled on
about my non-existent sex life, but, I also said some pretty
explicit and personal things about the time I caught you in the
kitchen with Sherry Dangerfield.”
    “Yeah, well, about that—” he started.
    I cut him off. “It’s not like I think about you and…
and, that time. But, Janey mentioned you were coming to
visit, so you were in the back of my mind already. When I was
telling Cat about Janey, Ken, and sex, everything kind of spilled
out of my mouth. Before I knew it, I was going on about how that
monster dick of yours scared me so bad I had to get drunk so I
could have sex my first time.”
    A hand brushed back the hair covering my face, and
for the first time in memory, Bas touched me with deliberate
kindness. He grasped me firmly by the shoulders and pulled me
backward into his body as he relaxed against the couch cushions. He
was gentle, but persistent, as he maneuvered me into a curled
position with my legs over his lap and my face tucked into the
curve of his neck. And he held me.
    Bas is a tall man, but his height isn't always the
first thing people remark on. Bastian has been a fitness fanatic
since he was in his teens. Janey tells me he is in the gym at least
four times a week, and leaning into his body, I could tell he was
as wide and ripped as I remembered. The chest under my cheek was
rock-hard and well-defined. The arms around me were large and
bulked with muscle. Add all this to his sun-streaked blond hair,
piercing blue eyes, and beautiful face, and you have a man who
women stop and stare at, simply for the pleasure of looking at
someone so gorgeous.
    “Wow,” he remarked, “we are more fucked up than I
    “Don't swear in front of the dog,” I chided softly.
“He's a lot like a two-year old. He repeats everything."
    “I will admit, I have to believe you about Red. He is
scary-smart. I've never seen anything like how he reacts with
    Bas let out a breath and it ruffled through my hair.
“First,” he whispered against my ear, causing a slight shiver and a
very inappropriate pearling of my nipples, “I am sorry for my
behavior this morning.” Did he kiss my hair? I didn't dare ask; the
thought was too weird.
    “Second, I promise, I will never hurt you in anger.”
His head tilted in a way which gave the impression he was looking
down, trying to see my face. “You DO know I would never hurt you or
anything, right? Except for a slap on the ass between consenting
adults, I've never struck a woman in my life.”
    “Ah, TMI.” I gulped, trying to divert my imagination
from Bas in bed with a consenting adult sporting pink hand prints
all over her butt. The imp in me thought it would make a hysterical
pattern on a pair of pajama bottoms. On my imaginary PJ's, I would
add “Spank Me” in big letters over one cheek.
    Setting aside my inner BDSM fashion designer, “I know
you wouldn't hit me. It never crossed my mind.”
    “Then what's with the flinching? Geez, woman, do you
have any idea what was going through my mind when you reacted to my
touch like an abused wife? I'll admit I was hurt, and insulted you
kept cringing from me.”
    “I am really out of my comfort zone here, Bastian; I
need to go back a ways to explain this properly.” Deep breath in.
Exhale. “How clear in your memory is the day I walked in on you
having sex in the kitchen?”
    “It’s pretty crystal. I'd gotten my first two-week
leave in months, and I hadn't been home in almost three years.” Bas
tightened an arm around

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