Blade's Desire
flicking to his chest.
    He finally understood why Nat and Jesse got out of most of their punishments.
    She looked absolutely adorable. Still sneaking glances at his chest, she nervously nibbled at her bottom lip. He saw that she’d clenched her hands into fists at her sides as though fighting to keep from touching him. He’d never met a woman so guarded and shy about sex and yet so wonderfully responsive.
    She’d been made for him and he would use all of his patience and control to give her whatever she needed to get past her fears regarding intimacy. Only then would she feel free.
    Free to accept his love and trust him enough to admit what she felt in return. In the meantime, he’d have to grit his teeth, so she wouldn’t realize the effect she had on him. She needed his patience and strength now more than anything, and he would gladly give her both.
    “Did I give you permission to touch me?”
    Blade’s ominous growl made her tremble and she knew she’d made a mistake. Clenching her hands at her sides, she struggled not to touch him. She couldn’t stop glancing at his naked chest. She’d never before seen such a magnificent male specimen.
    “No. I’m sorry. I didn’t think.”
    Sneaking a peek at him, Kelly continued to bite her lip. He looked so cool and remote she couldn’t even guess his thoughts.
    “Would you like to touch me, Kelly?”
    She looked up at him warily. Was this a test? Not sure what she should say, Kelly decided to go with the truth. He’d spot a lie anyway.
    “Yes,” she nodded and waited for his reaction.
    “Let’s take off your dress.”
    “But the knot,” Kelly began, only to look down and see that the knot had been untied and the lengths of material fell from her bodice to the floor between them.
    “Oh, you undid it,” she muttered inanely and fumbled with the zipper several seconds before finally being able to pull the tab down and allow the dress to puddle at her feet.
    “Leave the corset and stockings.”
    When Blade reached for one of the rings on her nipples, Kelly held her breath.
    “You’ve worn these long enough.”
    Kelly watched, mesmerized as his big hands loosened the screws from the rings enough to slide them off, removing the chain from around her neck, and tossing it to join the clothing on the bench.
    The corset’s shelf bra lifted her breasts in a way that a woman would to invite her lover’s touch.
    Blade accepted the invitation.
    When he pinched each of her nipples between a thumb and forefinger, Kelly closed her eyes on a moan. He touched her lightly, but her nipples felt ultra sensitive from the rings and the friction of the dress. His touch devastated her more than ever. He seemed to know just how much she could take, to know exactly how to touch her to bring about the desired effect on her senses.
    Obviously experienced, he eyed her coolly as he touched her. With a sinking heart, Kelly wondered how many women he’d brought to his playroom and if she meant anything more to him than just another in a long line of women he’d ‘trained’.
    “What is it, love?”
    Of course, Blade knew something bothered her. With his experience nothing would escape his notice. Knowing he would spot a lie, she blurted out the truth.
    “I wondered how many women you’ve brought to this room. And, um, well if I’m just another number.”
    Even with her face burning, she forced herself to meet his eyes. Her stomach fluttered when he raised a brow and crossed his arms deliberately over his naked chest. She stifled a groan at the play of muscles, fighting not to stare.
    “The number of women I’ve brought to this room is none of your business.”
    He studied her for several long seconds before seeming to come to a decision. “I will tell you this, though. This room is my personal playroom, not the club playroom. I didn’t realize that you wanted to be more than just a number. You just want to see if you can have sex again, give up control, right?”
    More than

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