will do anything for a story, including camping out around
    the corner, waiting for someone to leave the estate.”
    “But no one escorted that woman out.”
    Cole chuckled but Tyler snorted again, then they spoke at the same
    “ That woman doesn’t rate an escort,” Tyler growled.
    “Caroline can take care of herself,” Cole said with a shrug.
    Bri’s gaze moved back to Cole.
    “Are you saying I can’t take care of myself?”
    His eyebrows raised. “I’m saying, I don’t want you to have to.”
    “No, you’re protecting your investment.”
    “I haven’t made an investment, Bri. Your father offered me money for
    my sperm. At the time of conception, I was supposed to relinquish all
    rights to my child,” he ground out. “I don’t see that as an investment.”
    She looked shocked.
    -77- Annmarie McKenna
    “Furthermore, I never signed the contract and I won’t ever sign it. But
    you are ours, Bri. Don’t even try to refute that.”
    Tyler wrapped his fingers around the nape of her neck as Cole’s open
    palm caressed her erect nipple through the fabric of her tank top. She
    shivered against their hands.
    Tyler leaned closer. “There’s something about you neither Cole nor I
    can deny.” He nuzzled her throat, laving her with his tongue. “We’ve
    decided to keep you.”
    He smiled when her head lolled into him and she whimpered. He laid
    his free hand on her knee and slowly dragged it up the smooth skin of
    her thigh, bunching up her skirt at the same time. Her legs shook as
    Cole added his hand to her other leg.
    They reached her apex at the same time.
    “Feel good, baby?”
    “Mmm.” She sucked her bottom lip in.
    Simultaneously, Tyler and Cole rubbed at the bundle of nerve
    endings hidden in her folds. Her knees spread even further of their own
    accord and her head fell back on the arm Tyler had stretched along the
    top of her chair. Her hair tumbled down, tickling at his elbow.
    With his teeth Cole raised her tank top, exposing the nipple closest to
    him, and proceeded to nibble and suckle her.
    They worked their middle fingers along her soaking slit, spreading
    her cream, and played at her entrance. Bri’s panting and crying got
    heavier and louder.
    Tyler looked at Cole and nodded. They pressed into her together,
    stretching her tight sheath. Her tiny muscles gripped them as they
    finger-fucked her. Her nipples, a dusky brown, stood at attention, one
    being sucked relentlessly, the other still hidden beneath her tank.
    “What, Bri, what do you need?”
    “To come,” she shouted.
    “Then come,” Tyler whispered.
    -78- Blackmailed
    She exploded around their fingers, arching her back in the chair, her
    butt slipping off the edge. Only his and Cole’s fingers still inside her kept
    her from falling on the floor.
    Bri collapsed as her body descended from its plateau and they pulled
    out of her.
    “I don’t even know who I am anymore.”
    “Don’t worry, little one, we know who you are.” Tyler kissed her sweet
    lips, offering her his tongue. She pulled at it, no longer shy about what
    she wanted.
    Cole smoothed her clothing back in place then leaned over his place
    setting to eat like he had not just been responsible for shattering the
    poor girl between them. Tyler smiled. He knew exactly how Bri made
    both of them feel.
    “Damn.” He turned to his bowl. “Now my cereal is soggy.” He reached
    for a new bowl and the milk, grinning at the stunned, dazed look on Bri’s
    “So, cereal or eggs?”
    “How can you act like nothing is going on? What about my brother?
    Cole promised—”
    “Relax, little one. Scott is, as we speak, being packed up and readied
    for the trip over here.” Tyler massaged her shoulders and squeezed out
    the tenseness seizing her muscles. Her breath was starting to wheeze
    again in her agitation and that was the last thing he wanted to happen
    this morning.
    “How…how did you get my father to let him out of the

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