Blackhill Ranch

Blackhill Ranch by Katherine May Page B

Book: Blackhill Ranch by Katherine May Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katherine May
Tags: Montana, Colorado, ranch, paradise, hotman
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laugh, and Camden slapped his arm, “No, not a heartbreaker. I just
got out of a relationship a few months ago, and I'm ready to be
back in the dating scene.”
    He did not just wink at
    I immediately interrupted
their 'moment.' “There is a trail up to a beautiful waterfall. It's
about 3.2 miles round trip. It's amazing and that way you will know
the trail just in case your party wants to come back and go
swimming later.” Greg and Camden both loved the idea so we took off
and enjoyed the jog together.
    We didn't talk much,
because frankly it's not really that much fun to talk and run, but
when we reached the falls the guys and Chloe ooed and aahhed. It
really is majestic up here and we took a few minutes to cool down
and to enjoy the scenery.
    On the way back we ran
until the last half mile, and then it turned to walking and we
chatted the rest of the way. Camden and Chloe had a lot in common
and my faith in her being able to stay away got slimmer and slimmer
by the minute. Chloe mentioned to them that we were able to get
Saturday night off and were heading to the city. I grabbed her hand
and gave her a, 'I will kill you in your sleep if you invite them
with us’” look and she didn't say anything after that.
    When we arrived back to
the ranch I told the guys about our new menu and that we would be
serving breakfast burritos this morning.
    “That sounds so good, I'm
famished. We will see you beautiful ladies around,” Camden said and
took Chloe's hand.
    He better not kiss
    Damn it!
    Chloe blushed and I said a
quick goodbye and grabbed her hand. She looked over at me and
couldn't help the dreamy look on her face. “Oh my gosh, he is
freaking hot.”
    “This is not going to end
well is it?” I sighed and we headed back to the cabin to change. We
still needed to meet the Pattersons for breakfast before they
    “Not if he keeps that up,
I can only hold out for so long before I spontaneously combust, and
besides you and Rhet are going to be all kissy kissy, and I will
need someone to help me enjoy my time here.”
    “We are not going to be
kissy kissy, at least not in the open, and you will be fine. I
promise.” When we got to the cabin we took turns in the shower and
got ready for breakfast. Chloe took a little extra time choosing
her outfit for the day. When she pulled out her denim miniskirt and
button up tank, I knew who she was dressing for. I went with some
jean shorts and a coral top. We both had our boots on, and looked
killer if I do say so myself. When we finished we were still a
little ahead of schedule so we decided to peek in on Tina and see
what she was doing.
    Right when we entered the
back of the kitchen, Tina was just finishing up her breakfast
burritos with homemade pork green chili. It smelled delicious of
coarse, and both of our stomachs started rumbling. Tina shooed us
out of the kitchen and told us to go enjoy our breakfast out in the
dining hall. Did I mention she is amazing?
    We found Rhet and Cole
sitting with the Pattersons. It looked like they had just gotten
there. We smiled and waved to each other and headed their
    “Good morning, you guys.
How was your night?” I asked and looked over at the two girls. They
were so pretty and really did look a lot a like.
    They stood up and gave
Chloe and me a hug, and one of the girls said, “It was so wonderful
sleeping in a bed!” We all laughed and sat down at the table. I
looked over at Rhet and he smiled, and gave me a little
    “I couldn't imagine
sleeping in the forest in a tent. It's sounds horrible, and more
like a punishment to me,” Chloe said with a disgusted look on her
face. Everyone turned their heads over at her, all with a very
confused look on their face, but when I mentioned she was from L.A.
they shook their heads knowing now why she was so
    We had such a fun time
eating breakfast with the Pattersons, and when we were all finished
we gave all five of them huge hugs and said

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