Black Forest, Denver Cereal Volume 5
Old bootleg storage?” Max
    “ Maybe,” Matthew said.
“But probably not. There’s no indication of a secure entrance or
exit. More likely it was used in building the Stapleton
    “ NORAD?” Alex
    “ They concur,” Raz said.
“Sonar confirms findings.”
    “ Body is?” Alex
    “ Hanging,” Raz cleared his
    “ Scenarios?” Alex
    “ None,” Troy said. “The
kidnapper has the upper hand in every scenario.”
    “ What did you determine
from the phone call?” Raz asked.
    “ Taped earlier and played
back,” Alex said.
    “ You can hear the clicks
of a recording device,” Max said.
    “ I doubt Charlie could
tell over his crappy disposable phone,” Alex said.
    “ This is a trap,” Troy
    “ Make the call,” Alex
    Monday evening — 9:32 P.M.
    Sand Creek Greenway
    “ It’s my case, God damn
it,” Seth said. “I’m going. And it’s time to move.”
    Seth glared at the SWAT Team Commander and
began walking toward the river.
    Monday night — 9:30 P.M.
    In Sandy’s Salon on Colfax Blvd, Denver,
    The children’s eyes were riveted to the
laptop screen. With the SWAT team backup, Seth began to hike toward
the river. Three SWAT team members followed in a semi-circle behind
him. They reached the river and the SWAT Team Commander ran
forward. They could hear Seth and the Commander argue.
    “ I don’t like this,”
Noelle said.
    “ I don’t either,” Nash
    “ This is a trap, isn’t
it?” Charlie asked.
    “ It’s a trap,” Teddy
    Just then Seth screamed, “Get the fuck out
of my way.” He appeared to push the SWAT Team Commander away from
him and stepped into the river.
    “ No Seth!” the children
yelled. “Stop!”

    Monday night — 9:30 P.M.
    Middle of Denver, CO
    “ Wait,” Troy said. “What’s
    Jumping up from the table, Troy ran toward
the big screen television.
    “ What is that?” Alex and
Max followed Troy toward the screen. “Raz?”
    Raz clicked the satellite to zoom in.
    “ That’s a person,” Troy
    “ Blackened face, clothing,
just hanging out in that tree,” Max said.
    “ He must have to trigger
the explosion,” Cian said. “He’s got to watch for the right
    The ex-PIRA explosive expert, Cian Kelly,
walked to the screen. He pointed to an object in the person’s
    “ This explosion must be
big,” Cian said. “He wants to blow the whole thing at once. He
wouldn’t want motion to set off one part and have to wait for the
next. This is going to be a blood bath.”
    “ He’s built a little
platform,” Matthew said. “He’s probably been there for
    “ He’s far enough upstream
to avoid detection,” Alex said. “Did you get the phone numbers of
the guys we know?”
    “ Dialing now,” Raz
    “ Colin, I need an
assessment of damage and medical response,” Alex said.
    “ On it,” Colin
    “ There’s a motor bike
under the tree,” John said.
    “ Where?” Alex
    “ There,” John said. “You
can barely see it.”
    “ That’s a dirt bike,” Troy
said. “Trip the explosion, slide down the tree and escape on the
bike. Clever. He’s been planning and preparing this adventure for a
    Everyone turned their attention to Raz.
    “ I can’t get through,” Raz
said. “Cell access is blocked.”
    “ Let’s unblock it,” Alex
    Max nodded to Alex and went to work on
Troy’s laptop.
    “ We can do that?” Troy
    “ We can try,” Alex
    “ Got it,” Max
    “ Yes sir, I have a
priority message from a friend for a man who wears an F. Yes sir,
I’m aware of that,” Raz said. “The perpetrator is in the trees
about a half mile northeast of your location. Please relay the
information. Yes sir, I’ll hold the line.”
    Covering the mouth piece, Raz nodded to
    “ Excellent,” Raz said.
“Also, we believe the

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