Biker's Captive: Outlaw Motorcycle Club Capture Fantasy (Steel Horsemen MC Book 1)

Biker's Captive: Outlaw Motorcycle Club Capture Fantasy (Steel Horsemen MC Book 1) by Frankie Blue Page B

Book: Biker's Captive: Outlaw Motorcycle Club Capture Fantasy (Steel Horsemen MC Book 1) by Frankie Blue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Frankie Blue
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there were five enforcers in the Horsemen. Why would one of them save her?
    She was in shock. There was no other explanation.  Marnie should be afraid, she needed to scream, to fight, to punch and kick out at her new captor. But as she clung to his jacket and felt and smelt his masculine warmth, she felt calm.  Safe.
    As long as I stay with him I'll be safe, she thought and loosened one hand to wrap over his shoulder and around the back of his neck. The hair escaping from his helmet felt silky over her fingers and she wondered what it would feel like to comb her fingers through that hair.
    The stranger pulled her closer against him and lowered his mouth so he could be heard.  "I won't let them hurt you," he murmured, echoing her thoughts. "Just watch that smart mouth and do as you’re told."
    She nodded and they pulled to a stop. He helped her to stand and held her steady while her legs grew accustomed to the hard ground. Marnie was surprised how attune he was to her, it was like he knew what she was thinking, or maybe her mind was still swirling and it just felt that way.
    They stood together in the grounds of the gated compound, moonlight giving everything a dim silvery glow.  At length she raised her eyes to finally look at her savior; no that was wrong, not savior, captor. She licked her lips and forced herself to look at him.
    And her heart stopped.
    She had no words. Right or wrong he gave the words dangerous and sexy a whole new meaning.  He was nothing like the riders in her club. He stood well over six foot and then some, with shaggy black hair that curled around his ears and almost hit his shoulders.
    He wore black jeans over long thick thighs and a vest barely covered an impressively wide chest. His arms were strong looking and his long fingered hands were poised and ready to grab her should she try to run.
    Finally meeting his gaze she realized that he had been studying her in the same way. She expected him to make some stupid joke.  He didn't but the knowing grin and predatory darkness in his eyes was somehow worse and all too disturbing.
    "Who – who are you?" She asked, cringing at the way her voice trembled.
    He bowed, mocking eyes never leaving her face, then straightened to his full height. "I’m Axle.  T-devil enforcer."
    Everything went very still. She’d heard his name, every club in the country new about Axle. He wasn’t just a T-devil enforcer, he was their deadliest, most efficient hitman.
    Axle laughed and his hand struck with the speed of a cobra, fingers encircling her wrist and squeezing enough to make her wince. "I see you've heard of me."
    "Why did you save me?"
    His fingers tightened briefly on her wrist and his jaw tightened as he looked down at her.  "Come on, we're expected," he said, his voice gruff and pulled her along as he headed towards the front door.
    Marnie had to almost run to keep up with his long strides as he led her through the huge foyer. As she passed she managed to get a blurred view of the trophy wall covered with pictures either side of a line of framed vests. They passed by an alcove and she caught sight of a seriously awesome bike on a wide pedestal, bathed in silver light. She tried dig in her heels so she could get a look but he was stronger.
    She sucked in a breath, ordering her mind to relax. Her options were few and the chance of escape was going to be slim. She had a theory or two of why Axle would want to protect her and didn't like the sound of either of them but he made a good point. Keep your smart mouth shut and do as you're told.
    Axle opened two large doors and loud metal music poured out like cold air-conditioning on a hot day. At least ten Horsemen sat around a bar, drinking beer and two others were playing pool. Everyone turned as they entered and she noticed a couple of women draped over their men, throwing her curious looks.
    The music shut off and the room suddenly filled with whispers as she was led further in. Marnie's attention was drawn

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