BIG SHOT LOVE: 5 Billionaire Romance Books Bundle

BIG SHOT LOVE: 5 Billionaire Romance Books Bundle by Kristina Weaver Page A

Book: BIG SHOT LOVE: 5 Billionaire Romance Books Bundle by Kristina Weaver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kristina Weaver
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won’t even speak of that horrid hair. I always looked my best even when I was pregnant.”
    I hear the two skeletal corpses giggling and roll my eyes. Mostly because I know that they know I’m close enough to hear and that’s just so immature. Partly—and this part shames me half to death—because I’m having trouble with my eyes. Must be something in the suckers because they’re all watery.
    I know what you’re thinking, but no, I’m not crying at their hateful words. Well, I’m mostly not crying at least. I can’t help it; it hurts that they’re so mean and I have absolutely no defense against these kinds of things.
    Short of going ape shit crazy and yelling at them, there’s nothing to do but pretend I don’t hear or don’t care. Problem is, I care. A lot. No, I don’t want to be Lindsay Lohan and get in with the mean girls who treat me like poop under a shoe; I’m not that pathetic. And Molly is more than enough friend for me.
    I just wish people wouldn’t assume things about me and do their best to put me down.
    “I know, darling. You looked so good.” Fanny preens, licking that rim, as if she’s going at a Popsicle and not trying to crawl up Letitia’s ass.
    “Because I kept my diet the same. No carbs or sugars.”
    Poor kid who grew in her tomb must have come out half-starved and stunted because I’ve seen this woman eat a grape and declare herself positively full.
    “And did you see what that dreadful Molly is wearing? Purple is most definitely not her color.”
    “No, but green is yours, my dearest Fanny.”
    That lazy drawl makes me smile, and I have to suppress a chuckle when Dougal Stone saunters up, his icy blue eyes going hard even as his mouth curves seductively.
    “Why don’t you come along, dear? I’ll keep you too busy to spit poison. Lettie, Griff was looking for you.”
    She goes a lighter shade of corpse and leaps to her feet, fleeing God only knows where to the sound of Dougal laughing hysterically.
    “Cameron set the pair of them on the women.” I hear from my left, turning to see a grinning Molly standing beside me, her eyes alight with mirth.
    “Because Letitia positively despises Griffon Stone, and she makes no bones about it. If she’s too busy hiding from that rogue, she won’t have time to torture you or sink her claws into Cam. Kent got Dougal on Fanny because, as he said, ‘The little idiot needs a distraction.’ Apparently, Dougal likes doing the ‘bitter pills.’ Don’t ask because I don’t know what that means. I’m just grateful I don’t have to deal with them.”
    “Me, too.” I sigh, hooking my arm in hers and following her into the back hall to the kitchen. “No offense but Millie could have just as soon left her off the list. Fanny too.”
    “I agree, but the old dear has a love of shall we say, ‘sticking it to them’…so she refused to even entertain my objections.”
    We’re in the kitchen by this time, and she lights up when we see Kent coming her way holding a covered dish and a wicked grin.
    “We have some business to attend to Carrot snap.”
    “Is that your idea of pillow talk?” I ask drolly, grinning when Kent blinks and his grin widens.
    “Pillow. Sofa. Shower. Any clean surface really.”
    That has Molly blushing so fiercely the guy laughs and ducks, throwing her over his shoulder with a flourish.
    “Have a lovely afternoon, Ducky! We’ll be down…well, eventually.”
    I hear her giggling all the way to the stairs before a masculine chuckle and the sound of running steps start fading.
    Have I said how disgustingly jealous I am right now? Kent adores Molly, like obsessively, and would do just about anything to make her happy. My guy’s idea of happiness is getting me fired and holding me emotionally hostage with his parents.
    “You’re looking unusually pensive, baby.”
    I jump and turn to Cameron, almost sighing when I see him leaning against the doorjamb, his arms folded over a black t-shirt that shows

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